CLIMATE CHANGE HOAX SUPER THREAD – all you need to win any argument with the science fakers and con-artists 
Also see today’s Super-Thread on Vaccines – Joe Rogan and Ice Cube on why they don’t trust Covid Vaccines. He passed up 8 million over it! Vaccines cause Autism!
Want to know more – see Whatfinger’s Vaccine Super-Thread thread from 7/1 – Nearly 1-in-3 Pfizer Vaccine Doses Were Placebo as the war on Ivermectin continues
Get back to that pre-COVID feeling.
Vaccinated or not, toxic spike proteins pose a long-term threat to your health.
This revolutionary Spike Support Formula is the only product that contains nattokinase and dandelion root, researched to block and dissolve spike proteins inside your body. – CLICK HERE or below…