Much below on the criminals of the WEF, that have many nations doing everything they want. This is our WEF Globalist criminal super-thread of the day
WEF – In order to achieve NET ZERO & stakeholder capitalism, they will have to use more stick than carrot. Forcing you to bend to their will, as they herd you in the direction they want.
They don’t even hide it, they think they have already won!
— Bernie's Tweets (@BernieSpofforth) July 2, 2023
Never forget what this man said – – –
— Dean Smith #StopTheTreaty (@DeanSmi47962704) June 29, 2023
I say WEF Officials will be the targets of all Patriots world-wide if they do this. THEY ALWAYS TELL YOU WHAT THEY ARE PLANNING. Keep that in mind as these evil low life scum of the WEF plan to destroy society. They are doing all they can to destroy all freedom within the next decade at latest. If American citizens weren’t armed, they would up this and do it all much faster.
The ‘Climate Change’ narrative is such an obvious scam…and the Globalist Criminals of WEF/UN/WHO…know that we know. Just be prepared for their ‘Ace Card’…which is shutting down the Power Grid…which they’ll blame on Russia, Racism and ‘Right-wing Extremists’.
— Liz Churchill (@liz_churchill10) July 2, 2023
More on these WEF GLobalists
Bill Gates excited at WEF in 2008 with Klaus.
"Huge change in the mortality rate in developing countries which then has this big benefit of reducing population growth, that's this big benefit"— Anti Lockdown Alliance(GLOBAL) (@Demo2020cracy) July 1, 2023
CANADA and the WEF – In this excerpt from my latest movie, Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening, we connect the downfall of Canada with the insidious agenda of the World Economic Forum.
Please share this far & wide! You can download the clip here on Telegram and post to other…
— PLANDEMIC (@Plandemic3Movie) June 29, 2023
“Governments can program CBDC to restrict undesirable purchases, set expiry dates”
– WEF ‘Summer Davos’ in China
— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) June 29, 2023
AMERICA IS NEXT FOLKS> PAY ATTENTION. These evil low lives of the WEF have Biden in their back pocket as Biden does what China says thanks to massive bribes. These animals openly say they want to get the world population down to 500 Million within a few decades. How the hell is that possible without forcing us all to take killer vaccines, or massive international war? There are 8 billion humans on the planet right now. They are starting with the farms, in the US as well….. be warned.
As the Dutch farmers prepare to defend their farms, homes and livelihood's from #WEF Chairman and self appointed leader of The New World Order Klaus Schwab he has issued instructions to #Biden to prepare to seize American Farms, Ranches and food producers. John Kerry Special…
— Jim Ferguson (@JimFergusonUK) July 2, 2023
And never forget –
Comments – Threads – Links
- Seems kinda familiar! Mass uncontrolled immigration to dissolve a nation’s identity and make it easier for the WEF and their dream of a one world government! Same plan the Biden administration has been using since day one! I’m sure we’ll get the same results as France! Tweet
- RFK Jr. says Bill Gates, WEF ‘hijacked’ climate narrative to achieve ‘totalitarian controls’ | Just The News
ALSO NEVER FORGET – see our last Climate Change Hoax Super-Thread – all you need to win ANY argument with anyone who actually believes that man causes Climate Change…. It is all a Marxist BS plot to destroy all freedom and usher in a global dictatorship – see this – – save it and share it…. help keep this nation free. See:
CLIMATE CHANGE HOAX SUPER THREAD – all you need to win any argument with the science fakers and con-artists 
Also see today’s Super-Thread on Vaccines – Joe Rogan and Ice Cube on why they don’t trust Covid Vaccines. He passed up 8 million over it! Vaccines cause Autism!
Want to know more – see Whatfinger’s Vaccine Super-Thread thread from 7/1 – Nearly 1-in-3 Pfizer Vaccine Doses Were Placebo as the war on Ivermectin continues
Get back to that pre-COVID feeling.
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