A new report shows that a switch to electric cars could wreak havoc on the environment. Because, all of that power has to come from somewhere ya know! Research from the Climate and Community Project and the University of California, Davis found that a switch to EVs would require three times more lithium than is currently produced in the world plus a heck of a lot more water and land because making electricity requires both. Those of us following the resources already know this. So is this proof that EVs will be a shift to cars we cannot drive??
More people are waking up to the scam of EVs…
More people are learning about the WEF and their plans for our lives…
Nissan social media people. I recommend you research the WEF, and their intended "Great Reset" and 4th Industrial Revolution. pic.twitter.com/VqAEEmOnkL— Shelley (@cafeatnight) January 18, 2023
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