NEW VIDEO: Joy Ann Reid recently proclaimed that the only reason she got into Harvard was due to affirmative action. Imagine ADMITTING to something so embarrassing. Unlike Joy, I applaud the SCOTUS for its decision to stop treating my blackness like a disability. – CJ Pearson (See vid below this top one) See clips below as she is taken apart
Joy Reid accidentally has the best argument against affirmative action. – Scott Adams
Joy Reid just admitted she only made it because of Affirmative Action.
This makes sense because she is Dumber than a Box of Rocks!
Race should not be a Qualification!
Raise your hand if you Agree ✋
— Terrence K. Williams (@w_terrence) July 2, 2023
Joy Reid admits she only got into Harvard because of affirmative action, just for anyone who didn’t already know
— Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) July 2, 2023
Joy Reid may have gone to Harvard but she sure as hell didn’t learn anything. She’s dumb as a box of rocks and has defamed me multiple times. Truly beneath contempt. – Roger Stone
🔴 NEW VIDEO: @JoyAnnReid recently proclaimed that the only reason she got into Harvard was due to affirmative action.
Imagine ADMITTING to something so embarrassing.
Unlike Joy, I applaud the SCOTUS for its decision to stop treating my blackness like a disability.
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) July 2, 2023
CLIMATE CHANGE HOAX SUPER THREAD – all you need to win any argument with the science fakers and con-artists 🔥
Also see today’s Super-Thread on Vaccines – Joe Rogan and Ice Cube on why they don’t trust Covid Vaccines. He passed up 8 million over it! Vaccines cause Autism!
Want to know more – see Whatfinger’s Vaccine Super-Thread thread from 7/1 – Nearly 1-in-3 Pfizer Vaccine Doses Were Placebo as the war on Ivermectin continues
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