Stolen Liberties & Echoes of Freedom. Chapter 2 – Whatfinger News' Choice Clips
Whatfinger News' Choice Clips

Stolen Liberties & Echoes of Freedom. Chapter 2

Continued from Chapter 1

The next night, the kids repeated the routine from before, eagerly jumping into bed and snuggling under the covers. Once again, they begged their grandfather to continue the story. Luke, more prepared this time, took a deep breath and said, “Okay, kiddos. Tonight, I need to back up a bit. Give you some backstory. You see, things don’t just happen all at once. Big events, like the revolution, are born out of many smaller moments. And you need to understand some things about me and your Uncle Pat before everything exploded.”

Susie sat up, intrigued. “What do you mean, Grandpa?”

“Well,” Luke began, “you know how the movies talk about Lord Obama during the revolution? He was actually a Deep State plant—someone who should never have been President of the United States.”

“Wait… I didn’t know he was the president of the U.S.E.,” Susie said, puzzled. “Was that before Trump?”

“No, silly,” Mikey chimed in, rolling his eyes. “There wasn’t even a U.S.E. before Trump. We were called the U.S.A., right, Grandpa?”

“That’s right, Mikey. The United States of America—the greatest nation ever to exist up until that point,” Luke said proudly. “The U.S.E., or United States of Earth, came much later, even after Trump’s last term. But let’s go back to before Nobama became President. He was a CIA plant, a creature of the Deep State. He wasn’t even born in this country, didn’t even have a real birth certificate, which meant he shouldn’t have been allowed to run for office. But the powers that be controlled everything—they owned the media and could lie at will. That Mockingbird apparatus…”

“What’s that, Grandpa?” Mikey interrupted, wide-eyed.

“Well,” Luke said, leaning in a little closer, “Mockingbird was a scheme where the government controlled all the major media outlets. They’d lie to the people, spread propaganda, and cover up the truth. And that’s how they got Obama in, started wars, and had all news channels and papers back them. Right and Left, all would toe-the-line as they say and cheer on any war. That is, until Trump.”

Susie’s eyes narrowed. “But you said they covered up his birth certificate?”

“Yes,” Luke nodded. “Back in 2008, when Nobama ran for president, there was a lot of talk about him being born in Kenya. He had a fake birth certificate, and the Deep State covered it all up. But Pat—well, back then he was  was living in New York with me. He ran this blog that always got him into trouble. Instead of focusing on the fake birth certificate itself, Pat decided to tackle the problem differently. He sent some college kids to the two hospitals in Honolulu where Nobama claimed to be born.”

Susie and Mikey were hanging on every word.

“Neither hospital had any record of him being born there,” Luke said with a smirk. “Not him, not his mother ever being a patient there or giving birth—nothing. They were busted. But the Deep State had its claws deep in the media, so they just lied. And when people started getting too close to the truth, they did what dictatorships do—they silenced those who knew too much. The official who released the fake signed Nobama’s birth certificate? She died. The only person to die in a plane crash. Funny how that happens, huh?”

Mikey’s eyes widened. “They covered it up.”

“Exactly,” Luke said, nodding. “The Deep State is good at covering things up. They even went after a great man named Andrew Breitbart. You’ve heard of Breitbart News, right?”

Mikey perked up. “Yeah! They make the Super Gnomes comics! I have all the figurines,” he added excitedly.

“Me too!” Susie chimed in.

“Well,” Luke continued, “the man who started Breitbart News, Andrew Breitbart, was a freedom fighter. And when he said he was going to release information that would destroy Obama, they killed him—made it look like a heart attack using tech the Soviets used, where they can shoot a person with a drug that make them die of a heart attack. But they didn’t stop there. The coroner, the guy who examines bodies to find the cause of death, said something suspicious in interviews. He wasn’t good at lying, and obviously was paid off. So guess what happened?”

“They killed him too?” Mikey guessed, eyes wide with shock.

“Exactly,” Luke confirmed. “They poisoned him to keep him quiet. Nice and clean. No interviews, no investigation—just gone. It didn’t matter how big or small you were; if you were a threat, they took you out. Ever since they killed President Kennedy, the Deep State ruled America from the shadows. By the time Trump came around, they were so bold that they openly tried to assassinate him four times, right out in the open.”

Mikey looked stunned, and Susie, her eyes just peeking out over the covers, seemed scared. Sensing their unease, Luke softened his tone. “Okay, kiddos, let’s not get too dark here. Let’s jump back into the revolution. How about I tell you about the first eruption in D.C. after the stolen election? Or—”

“OREGON! OREGON!” Mikey interrupted, chanting the word. “Everyone at school shouts ‘Oregon! Oregon!’ when it’s time to talk about the fight. Tell us about that!”

Luke chuckled. “Ah, yes, Oregon. Just like ‘Remember the Alamo,’ the word ‘Oregon’ became a battle cry for freedom. Let’s go there.”

He leaned back, remembering the tension of those early days. “Back then, the evil Democrats controlled states like Oregon, Washington, California, New York, and Illinois. In Oregon, things were so bad that they started forcing parents to stand by while their children were, well, abused. The state would teach kids they were the opposite sex and force parents to let them undergo surgeries, or else the parents would be thrown in jail. If you can believe it, there was a girl—a tomboy like your cousin Teri—who was convinced to take drugs and have surgeries to make her into a boy.”

Susie’s eyes welled up with tears, and Mikey’s mouth hung open in disbelief.

“There was no such thing as tomboys to them,” Luke said solemnly. “They forced every girl who didn’t conform into something else, and a lot of these kids ended up, well, trying to take their own lives. It was heartbreaking. When one young girl named Karla was convinced to go through with it, against her parents’ wishes, she ended up taking her own life. Her parents snapped. They organized hundreds of other parents, and they all went to the state capitol to confront the governor.”

Luke’s voice grew stronger, and his eyes lit with the fire of memory. “The protest got ugly. But the governor, feeling untouchable with the Democrats in power and Kamala stealing the election with the help of the Deep State Marxists, had them all arrested. They thought they were invincible—they believed Trump would soon be behind bars, along with all the other patriots fighting for freedom. Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, everyone understood they would be coming for them. But that arrest? It sparked something they never expected. Oregon became the rallying cry that brought the revolution to its boiling point. Sgt Pat was the one who had our little group all go to the capital and stir things up. ”

Susie wiped a tear away. “But Grandpa, what happened before that? Like, with the riots in D.C. after the election? You said they came first, right?”

Mikey nodded in agreement. “Yeah, Grandpa, if you don’t go in order, we might get lost.”

Luke laughed softly and nodded. “You’re right, kiddos. Let’s backtrack to that… fateful day—the day we all knew it was the last straw. Before we hit Oregon, let’s talk about the riots in D.C., where the revolution truly began.”

Next – – Chapter 3

Chapter 1 page 1
Chapter 1 Page 2

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 page 1
Chater 6 page 2
Chapter 6 page 3
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 page 1
Chapter 9 page 2

Sgt K here , aka CK Sheldon… I have one book published that was part of a trilogy, but editing was not done well, so only one book is still up on Amazon. Since I can’t afford an editor but I can use ChatGPT to edit, I will be adding the other two books back soon. Plus will add this book there if anyone likes it.  Since I’m not in this for money, it will always be free here on Whatfinger News with the links intact.  The guys agreed to let me post it all here.  My book over on Amazon – Allfather Saga (Not for everyone though, a bit sexual in nature and science fiction mixed with politics. Trump is in it too but in one of the withdrawn books, part 3 even though the series takes place long into the future. ) 

Untraceable phone – you need to see this Glenn Beck Vid with Erik Prince – See You Have a TRACKER in Your Pocket Sending Data to the Deep State – might be the MOST important vid you see this year – might save your life folks – your kids too – you’ll get it and the details will freak you out. It did me. …  Sgt Pat is Prince’s company.


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