Victor Davis Hanson: Hamas & Hezbollah believe US will not help Israel – Whatfinger News' Choice Clips
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Victor Davis Hanson: Hamas & Hezbollah believe US will not help Israel

Hi, welcome to another episode of the Caroline Glick show. Three months ago, after the Hamas massacre in Israel on October 7th, but before Israel even began its grand operation in Gaza, I had the pleasure of having Victor Davis Hanson on the show. Professor Victor Davis Hanson is a senior fellow for military history and the classics at the Hoover Institute at Stanford. He’s an old friend of mine and he’s a great understander, I guess you would say, of what’s happening in the United States and the Western world today, and where Israel and the Jewish State fit into all of it. So I’m really pleased to revisit all of these issues with him three months into this war when it seems that the Biden Administration is doing a full-court press to get Israel to just capitulate and leave. So I wanted to talk to him and I was so happy when he said he could make time available to be on the show again. So first of all, I want to thank you so much, Victor, for joining me again on the Caroline Glick show.

Well, thank you for having me, Caroline.

It’s always a pleasure to talk to you and it’s a double pleasure to have you on the show. You know, I want to talk to you about what we’re seeing from the Biden Administration and their real efforts to try to get Israel to capitulate through this half-baked hostage deal, which would see Israel give away thousands of terrorists that it has imprisoned in its jails, including people who were involved in the October 7th slaughter, in exchange for hostages but also then agreed to essentially end the war in defeat. I want to get to that, but I want to get to that by way of what’s happening in the United States. And you wrote a very important article, I think, in American greatness earlier in January called “The Culture in Collapse,” about what you describe as America’s cultural collapse. And so I wanted to start with that because it seems to me that the best way to understand what’s happening vis-à-vis America’s treatment of Israel under the Biden Administration is to understand America’s treatment of America. And so you write a couple of things here that I wanted to just start with. You said, “What is happening to us is not due to an adherence to a strict conservative tradition but is almost exclusively a result of the progressive project.” So first of all, what is the progressive project?

We call it the woke movement, the diversity, equity, inclusion movement, cultural Marxism, but essentially the common bond that ties all of these variants together is the government feels that it needs enough power to coerce people to be equal, not on the front side of opportunity but on the backside of result. And when that does not happen, then it uses coercive measures. And so almost every issue that is plaguing America can be traced back to that font. So the border, if we had 8 million Israelis coming across the border, we would close it in two seconds. But we are trying to import people from the third world who have grievances apparently against us as a Western nation, and they seem to be useful for the left.

I don’t know how to get my arms around what he’s doing but at a minimum it appears that what he’s saying very clearly is there’s no reason why progressives have to be anti-semites and I don’t know whether that’s true or not because you’ve just gone through this taxonomy of equality of and and you’re not obviously I mean you’re not the only one who said it but the equality of result Outlaws meritocracy and Jewish advance in America and really in the world has always been on the basis of Merit as minority populations or as one Jewish state of the entire world and so the idea that Merit is bad just sort of of inherently requires you to hate Jews and and reject them but here he’s saying that you can you know we can have exceptions and he this is an exception so I mean again it seems like he’s showing that he he’s he’s insisting that you can be a progressive and be and not hate Jews and although he’s in a wider it just I guess the rigidity wider transformation so this week he said he no longer was a progressive he’s a Democrat he said not a progressive and then he said he did not see why the Border should not be closed so it’s part of an overall uh realization that he’s not going to support it’s more going back to Bill Clinton Democrat ideology and that’s unusual today it doesn’t exist maybe that’s even more instructive maybe that’s even more instructive then that I mean again like it just you’re going into an election year the entire world is exploding due to your in complete incompetence in in in being the steward of American foreign policy whether it’s the military and the way that you’ve been treating uh white males excuse me whether it’s with Ukraine and essentially inviting Putin to invade whether it’s in Israel I mean like everything is collapsing you have ample opportunity you’re turning off many more voters through this failed policy than you would be through a successful one so do you think that they are just rigid ideological progressives that are dictating the Biden administration’s policies.

Yeah I think the people who are running the country right now is a a mixture uh I think J Jill Biden who is very left-wing is the conduit to she’s a puppeteer that tells her husband what to do and who is telling her what to do because she’s not known to be especially politically gifted is the Obamas we know they’re the first presidential couple that did not leave Washington Obama gave a very revealing um interview not too long ago where he said his dream of a presidency somebody asked him about a third term and he said it would my dream would be just to dial in instructions to the president and not have to go through the ceremony it was almost a narrative of what he’s actually doing and it’s the Bernie Sanders Elizabeth Warren wi and the squad that’s who’s running the country right now and we all thought that there’s no such thing as a Bill Clinton leftwing Democrat but apparently there there are starting to be people who say not for the right reasons that this is aoral what we’re doing but we’re going to lose this could be a 1972 McGovern Wipeout if we don’t and so what do they do they have a choice and that would be to change and run on a a superior platform or get Sil go around the country and say Donald Trump’s going to deny your right for abortion and it’s Donald Trump he’s Hitler and then get all of the Silicon Valley money Etc and that’s that’s their choice I think that’s what they’ll do this time I don’t think it’ll work because part of to sell to sell that Paradigm they had to say that Joe Biden unlike the candidates in 20120 they kept saying he’s not Pete big he’s not Elizabeth Warren he’s not Julian Castro he’s not Cory Brooker he’s good old Joe Biden the moderate Democrat from Scranton and we will nominate him and so they all got out of the race they were promised stuff cabinet post influence they got out and they annointed Joe Biden they knew he was non-comp mes and then they controlled him and that was the deal and I can’t I don’t think they can do that he can’t campaign he won’t be able to debate I think he’ll get to the convention there’ll be a big movement to take his delegates and and give them to somebody else and that’s and so we don’t know what’s going to happen.

So the interesting thing is that the person that everybody’s touting as the as the great savior will come in at the Democratic Convention to save the party is an even more hardcore rigid uh Progressive revolutionary by the name of Michelle Obama so I mean it this is just that would be a catastrophe she is the most anti-israeli candidate uh in the Democratic Party by far much more so than the other person people talk about Gavin M who would be a disaster and that’s own his own right but if she were to be nominated to win it would be a disaster for American foreign policy and I don’t think she can win but I’ve always been I’ve been optimistic and sometimes that’s uh clouded my judgment well so I guess you know that that it’s hard to imagine that she can win with when you have 25% of black Americans who are saying that they would vote for the GOP or 20% and and because of the policies because of the outcomes of these Progressive policies for their lives and then they would double down they would they would vote for her just because she’s black I I don’t know I mean maybe but I guess it depends on marketing you can Market anything but what about Israel in the meantime people in this country that you talk to in this in the defense area or national security are very pessimistic they be feel at sometime from June July August September October there’s going to be a blow up in the Middle East and it’s going to be connected it’s going to be something to do with Hezbollah in Israel and in as part of that equation people surrogates or Iran are going to do something and attack an American in a way that trumps what we’ve seen so far and the Biden Administration will be forced to act just by for everybody is going and that’s something that they fear and I’ve talked to people in the Democratic party that say it’s coming and maybe it’ll help Biden because everybody rallies around a president uh wartime president but he has created the conditions by his serial appeasement that it’s very hard to see how you’re going to have any influence other than military force to correct things uh and and that’s what’s sad and it’s going to affect Israel as well because rightly or wrongly Hamas Hezbollah the houthis and Iran all now believe that there are elements within the United States government that either will not or cannot help Israel and therefore they want to exploit that in the next six months that’s my view and it’s going to be very dangerous.

That’s a question that I wanted to leave you with which was I mean you know a lot of I I hear on Israeli TV a lot of people sort of talking longingly about the possibility of of trump uh being restored to power uh in the in a year and what that would mean for Israel and I and I keep warning people that a we’re a year out and we really have no idea what’s going to happen in the United States and B we have a year with this Administration that we have to cope with what is your advice to Minister netan did the Israeli people looking at this collapse of American culture you’re looking at people revisiting their their views from beforehand uh in in the face of the destructive nature they now see uh spawn being spawned by this revolution that they had at least passively supported in the past except for this Administration which is doubling down I mean what do you tell Israel Mr Yet netan who has to be very quiet and he shouldn’t get in into any verbal disagreements he should say the United States is our strongest Ally we appreciate the help that they have given us and then he’s going to have to act in a way that he feels the majority in his government feel that it’s in the interest of Israel and then he can postf facto explain why he had to do it anytime that Israel gets in a verbal joust it’s interpreted here as ingratitude so he doesn’t want to do that and yet anytime that we as this Administration is doing try to interfere in your electoral balloting process or voting as both Clinton administration and this Administration are doing it doesn’t it doesn’t pull well here so I think Israel just keeps quiet speaks with sincere gratitude to the help the United States has given but does not limit itself in areas that they they see as vital and they just have to do it and and all they have to say is when they question we had no choice after October 7 if that means taking out a spy ship or protecting your Port facilities that come off the Red Sea it it just just has to be done and I think for all of Trump’s wild uncontrolled outburst and occasional crudity and explicitness when you actually look what he did for Israel it was unsurpassed.

And he I think he sincerely and he would do the same thing again and so we have to get through this period we have to hope that he’s elected or a republican like him as elected because the nomination is not finalized yet but whoever it is Will Be Ma just quantitatively Superior as far as protecting American interest along in the area and by extension by helping our Ally Israel but we have to get to that point and that’s a long way away the days of people like a Bill Clinton he wasn’t I didn’t think he was a great friend of Israel but compared to what we have now in the Democratic party he was reasonable uh somewhat reasonable but that doesn’t that person doesn’t exist they won’t have not nobody like that will have a chance the central element of the democratic party will be whether Joe Biden knows it or not will be anti-israel anti-israel and I dare say anti-Semitism which we’re seeing on the streets of all of the major cities that’s one thing that’s happened United States there can be any argum just minel comment yeah I don’t think there can be biggest thing that’s happened in my life is that the old pretense between anti-Semitism is not anti-israeli that’s dropped now because when you look at the crowds and what they’re chanting what they’re doing what they’re yelling who they go after who they try to harass they by their own admission proudly admit and are com and will brag about jewishness is the same as Israel and whether they hate Israel or Israel or they hate Jews it doesn’t matter to them it’s all the same entity and anti-Semitism is the same as anti-israeli ISM now it always was in my but I had never seen them so overt so by their own admission and by their own words and they don’t see it as anything bad if you say to a protester on campus you know you’re you’re really anti-semitic when you say all this about genocide and river and they’ll say okay I don’t like they they admit it they admit it it’s amazing well I appreciate it and I think we’re going to have to revisit this again in in a couple of months and see what’s going on you know it just it it seems like it’s more of the same but only after we’ve won I don’t you know orell said the the the quickest way to end a war is to lose it so I’m I’m not for quick ends to this war I’m for successful ends to this war all right thank you very much I appreciate so much having you back on the show take care.

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