The fact that Covid authoritarians want their tyranny back is no surprise, especially since no one was held accountable for the tremendous damage inflicted on the American people the first time around. But the American people of 2023 are not the same as the American people of 2019. Many eyes have been opened. A return of covid tyranny is not a done deal.
You Cannot Comply Your Way Out Of Tyranny. It Is Impossible — STOP COMPLYING. Start Rebelling. – Whatfinger
Donald Trump blasted the left for bringing back Covid mandates for the 2024 election and promised “we will not comply!”
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) August 31, 2023
- Reminder: Desantis would’ve handled Covid worse than Trump, not better We’re no longer going to allow team Desantis to get away with comparing 2021 Desantis to 2020 Trump – Johnny Maga (clip at Twitter)
- 30%+ chose not to be injected with the ‘Covid Vaccine’. I have no idea how they’re going to try and convince the unconvinced to take this shit. As a descendant of Concentration Camp Survivors…who were subjected to Medical Experimentation…I will NOT COMPLY, ever. – Liz Churchill
- Louisiana Man Finally Cleared After Making 2020 COVID Joke on Facebook. – National Pulse
- In the coming lockdowns, which is BS ahead of time as you all know, if you need meds like Ivermectin – check this out. Get a Doctor over the phone and get a kit to prepare for anything – see: The Wellness Company’s Medical Emergency Kit. Peace of Mind for the Unexpected – Ivermectin included – Wellness Company (Sponsored)
- Get the Spike Control formula to help you clean your blood out of spike proteins from the vaccine