According to the prevailing climate pseudoscience, the ancient Egyptians and Romans must have emitted more carbon dioxide than our modern industrial world, occupied by 8 billion people. Because, apparently, changes in temperature couldn’t possibly be caused by anything except man-made emissions of carbon dioxide. #ClimateScam
“insofar as solar and wind can be cost-competitive and actually provide reliable electricity, great. But forcing inferior energy on us is a disaster, and it causes an energy emergency in the name of a phony climate emergency.”
With @GOPoversight
— Alex Epstein (@AlexEpstein) July 8, 2023
Tucker Exposes the Climate Alarmists: ‘Not Doing One Thing That Doesn’t Enrich or Empower’ Themselves
“If you’re really worried about climate change caused by carbon dioxide, you’d probably be planting a lot of trees,” argued @TuckerCarlson. “Because they consume it [carbon…
— The Vigilant Fox
(@VigilantFox) July 7, 2023
How the morons play games – they change the colors, and for temps that are not bad. This is the Climate Change cult in a nutshell
Look at all this climate change!!! It has turned the weather map into lava
— Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis (@DrLoupis) July 8, 2023
oh No It's Hot in Death Valley
Climate Change Crack Down
Pushed After Death in 'Death ValleyJul 7, 2023 Alex Jones Show
After a death in 'Death Valley' climate change action ramps up as the push to lockdown humanity gains speed.
Learn more here:…
— INFOWARS USA (@InfoWars_tv) July 8, 2023
Remember folks they are moving on farms all over Europe and now the US. You need chickens, to be self sufficient so they can’t force their controls over you
The reason they want to get rid of small FARMERS has NOTHING to do with CLIMATE CHANGE lies, it has EVERYTHING to do with their need for COMPLETE CONTROL of YOU.
— Dane (@UltraDane) July 8, 2023
Climate change can kill you… boil in your own sweat.. anyone with half a brain won't buy this claptrap.
Humans.. gullible sheep.
— Roller (@roller2426) July 8, 2023
Did you know arson is now the result of climate change?
— •Ɛɱɱყ• (@brixwe) July 5, 2023
Listen to this lying piece of you-know-what – who buys beach front property
He knows he is lying about climate change, but it’s part of his religion. There’s no way Malia and her friends are worried about the climate.
— Terri Green (@TerriGreenUSA) July 8, 2023
- 2: Are you a “climate denier”? I’m a climate thinker. I think about the climate side-effects of fossil fuel use in a precise, not exaggerated way, and I also think about the many benefits of FF use—including the climate benefits that make us safer than ever from climate. – Alex Epstein
- Climate Change Hoax – all you need to know with best clips, to never fall for the ‘global warming caused by man scam’ with the history, temps and facts even from Greenpeace founder and Weather channel founder. – Choice
- “The common belief that carbon dioxide is driving climate change is at odds with much of the available scientific data. Data from weather balloons and satellites, from ice core surveys and from the historical temperature records. But if CO2 isn’t driving climate, what is?” From the documentary, ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’. Watch the full documentary here: Wide Awake Media
- Fear is the key driver for compliance. “The world is ending” is the perfect fear tactic. COVID was the test catalyst for compliance. The populace obeyed. Through fear porn, repeated slogans, censorship, our governments bent our will. Don’t let it happen again. Say NO! – Noroseglasses
- Founder of the Weather Channel – John Coleman – “Science is about facts, and if you look at the facts there is NO man made climate change happening now” You’re correct John – it’s pretty basic science but it’s also a $4Billion dollar per day industry globally. Basically just like Covid – the rich are getting richer as they fly their private jets around while you & your family continue to get poorer. It’s that simple. – Concerned Citizen
- All climate change is natural as our climate is driven by the Sun – not by CO2, which forms less than one 20th of 1% of atmosphere. 97% of all CO2 is natural – mankind produces just 3% – the UK produces 1% of that 3%. Polar shifts affect the climate, as do sunspots. – Paul Atherton
- Wildfires in Quebec were Set off at same time together seen on Satellite Images on perfect clear sky the fires are seen starting at same time. It’s impossible unless they were set by man to be used as Evidence of Climate Change by Co2 Climate Lie. Sunspots drives -/+ Earth Temps. Ppl pls realise co2 only beneficial & critical 4 Plantlife 2 give us Oxygen. Co2 Climate change was setup by UN if u research True Experts, not politicians. True Driver of Earth Temps. Is infrared Radiation emitted by number of Sun Spots. Sunspots track with perfectly w/ temps – Will Gerard
- Contrary to the claims of climate grifters like Al Gore, changes in atmospheric CO2 lag behind changes in temperature by 800 years, as evidenced by numerous ice core surveys. “So obviously, carbon dioxide is not the cause of that warming. In fact… the warming produced the increase in carbon dioxide.” From the documentary, ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’. Watch the full documentary here: – Wide Awake Media
More from the net
Don't worry.
Next week it will be dry because of climate change
Then it will be colder because of climate change
Then windy because of climate change
Almost like weather and seasons.
— Cory Morgan (@CoryBMorgan) July 8, 2023
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