The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” ― George Orwell, 1984
Geologist, Professor Ian Plimer, utterly demolishes the human-induced "climate emergency" fairy tale in three and a half minutes:
"[Six of the six] great ice ages started when we had more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than now. We have 0.04% of that gas in the atmosphere……
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) July 4, 2023
Why are the Marxists (Democrats in the US) pushing the fake Climate Change nonsense – it is to destroy all freedom and bring about global Marxism
Sky News Australia host, Cory Bernardi, explains how the WEF intend to use a carbon footprint based social credit system to track and restrict every minute detail of your life, under the pretext of combatting the imaginary "climate emergency".
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) July 4, 2023
The UN has been regurgitating the same fearmongering nonsense about “impending climate catastrophe” for decades. None of it ever comes to pass, of course, but it’s enough to dupe gullible people with short memories into surrendering their freedom, standard of living and national sovereignty to the unelected totalitarians at the UN. – Wide Awake Media
The five hottest July's in the US were 1936, 1901, 1934, 1931 and 1930#ClimateScam
— Tony Heller (@TonyClimate) July 4, 2023
Remember the Hockey Stick Scam the Marxists and UN tried? According to Michael E Mann‘s wildly fraudulent hockey stick graph, 1911 was one of the coldest years of the last millennium. #ClimateScam – Tony Heller
There seems to be no limit to idiocy of #ClimateScam cultists
— Tony Heller (@TonyClimate) July 4, 2023
The Marxists move in waves, to destroy freedom – – it is coordinated.
Looks like the climate change narrative is in full swing. Only the double-vaxed and boosted will fall for this scam. Remember when @JamesOKeefeIII exposed the climate hoax?
— 🇦🇺OurVoicesMatter (@OV_Matter) July 1, 2023
The ignorance of people wetting themselves about climate change is staggering. No wonder they can’t see why it’s a scam.
— Less Government (@RobertD85962257) July 3, 2023
See our last Climate Change Super-Thread – has the Vid clips you need from Green Peace founder and Weather Channel founders and more, giving details on why the whole Climate Change and Global Warming nonsense is total stupidity, and all from the Marxists world-wide in order to destroy freedom in every nation. – see: Global Warming Hoax 🔥🔥
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