…If you Eat something shortly after getting a vaccine with aluminum in it, you are Susceptible to developing an allergy to that food
Wow… no wonder food allergies are skyrocketing in America
If you Eat something shortly after getting a vaccine with aluminum in it, you are Susceptible to developing an allergy to that food
“Absolutely, 100%, it’s not something just dreamed up. It’s provable, with… pic.twitter.com/PVHftIAW13
— MJTruthUltra (@MJTruthUltra) March 28, 2025
“Absolutely, 100%, it’s not something just dreamed up. It’s provable, with medical literature, in the books. It’s very well known aluminum in vaccines skew the immune system” Clip
- They’ve been slowly killing us little by little for decades.
- RFK Junior has been warning us about vaccine ingredients and their potential links to allergies and other health issues. This is why we need to Make America Healthy Again and support RFK’s crusade for truth and transparency in healthcare. – Stop Socialist Tyranny
- This is why I have never given my children any vaccines, well not this exactly but the aluminum and mercury are top five. That and we don’t give meds to something that is not even a risk. Polio is not a risk in my area so it’s not getting a vaccine. That makes zero sense. It’s not hanging out in grass. – Dodging Bullets
- My daughter died in my arms on the way to hospital due to food allergy induced anaphylaxis when she was 10 months old. She was transitioning from breast milk to solid foods at the time, we gave her egg, fish and nuts. She started coughing persistently and went red in the face, something felt very wrong so we jumped in the car and rushed to hospital, in the 5 minutes it took us to drive there her tiny face swelled so much that her eyes shut, hives and welts over her body, skin all red. She started convulsing as she struggled to breath, she was unrecognisable and went silent in my arms. We arrived at the ER and as I stepped out of the car she went limp again, she stopped breathing, I froze as I thought she had just died, it felt like I was being crushed by the universe, I could see but felt like I was surrounded by darkness. I looked up and seen the nurse behind the desk inside the ER, I kept walking. The doors opened as I stepped into the room and the nurse looked up….she seen my daughter in my arms and immediately stood up and firmly told me to go behind the desk into the next room and put my daughter in the first bed I seen. I rushed in and went to lay her gently in the bed, being respectful as I thought she was dead, a nurse rushed in at the same time and grabbed her tiny leg and started to inject epinephrine before her body hit the bed. 2 other nurses came in and gently pushed me aside and quickly began EAR. They saved her, almost all her symptoms had gone within a minute and she was crying and breathing and alive! That was 15yrs ago, it was a steep learning curve avoiding everyday foods that can potentially kill your child and has been exhausting to maintain the daily vigilance. I hope that food allergy can be cured someday and my daughter can regain some freedom in her life from the invisible cage that she is in. – ddad Tweet
Se the full Rogan show… Democrats DO NOT want you to know these things….
- The Miracle Drug from Joe Rogan and Mel Gibson That Everyone is Talking About – Wellness Sponsored
- Is Ivermectin the Key to Fighting Cancer? People are being cured all over the world…. – Wellness (Dr. McCullough’s company) Sponsored Post
- Be prepared for anything, including lockdowns with your own Emergency Med kit – see Wellness Emergency Kit (includes Ivermectin and other essential drugs, guide book, much more… peace of mind for you and your family)
– Dr. McCullough’s company! – Sponsor
- Dr. Zelenko is the man who advised Trump on Hydroxy ..Here’s his recipe to keep immunity strong – Zelenko Z Stack