- If teachers would focus on teaching students math and reading instead of teaching them LGBT propaganda, that would increase reading and math knowledge!
- Just to come to this beautiful country I escaped the Islamic revolution of Iran. Snuck out of the border, almost got shot with my entire family, almost got arrested, went through the desert for days without water, had to drink from only a little from camels canteen’s we were riding, hallucinated due to hunger and thirst, finally made our way to Pakistan. Stayed there a year and waited for visas. Finally came to America in the 90s as a refugee and got sponsored by a beautiful Christian family. Only Christian’s and bahais have helped us. Found work and started working our asses off. Finally, all of us opened our own businesses. In the last 35 years, I have never seen a greater leader and president ever. I have never been more proud to be an American than I am today. God bless America and God bless Donald Trump. MAGA!!
- Before the department of education America was number one in the 40 top countries, now we number 40th , go figure. MAGA HERE and proud of it, are you
- I went to school in the 50s and 60s before there was a DOE. We all learned reading, writing, and arithmetic by 3rd grade. My 15 yo grandson couldn’t sign his name! I was absolutely appalled!!
- This is their only argument: “You’re going to lose federal funding!”, but they never ask any questions. How much of that was taken from the state to begin with? How is it being spent? How much is being siphoned off by the bureaucracy? And most of all, is it doing any good? They cannot comprehend that more money doesn’t equal better education.
- My 14 year old wants to homeschool because school is a waste of time. She’s doing MIT opencourse on YouTube in her spare time, for psychology. If you are driven and have an internet connection you can learn anything.
- Make it a stipulation that children MUST get a passing proficiency score to receive funding. The more proficient they are at their studies, the more funding they get. Make it MERIT based!!
- I completely agree. As someone who just graduated high school in the twin cities and currently attending university of minnesota duluth. The department of education has failed us. I was for the most part taught by my parents and myself. This needs major reform and president trump is answering my prayers.
- I completely agree. As someone who just graduated high school in the twin cities and currently attending university of minnesota duluth. The department of education has failed us. I was for the most part taught by my parents and myself. This needs major reform and president trump is answering my prayers.
- Seems to me, when the People’s Republic of Wisconsin made teacher’s union dues optional, the vast majority opted out of that fiasco
- Basically, as soon as the unions and the department of education took control, their scores dropped. We need to hold these teachers responsible for failing the students. Also, no child left behind, and these modified tests to help kids pass need to be fixed.
- The Department of Education Step ONE…get rid of Obama era policy of “No Child Left Behind” This policy has changed over the years to pass a child to the next grade even if they can’t read or do math. Go Back to if you can’t pass the grade you do summer school or repeat the same grade till you can pass
- Every one of those schools, falls under the Chicago Teachers Union. It’s not an accident. The “teachers” know that graduates with critical thinking skills might just grow up to be self sufficient, responsible, tax paying citizens (and thus, won’t vote democrat).
- Dana answers her own question. Why in the hell is she worried about federal money going to the schools when it’s actually under the state’s schools’ control? More money doesn’t equal better scores. It’s proven. Scores have gone down and taxes and funds have gone up since the DOE was started. An unbelievable amount of tax money for education actually goes to administration costs
- Listening to reporting that thinks billions equate to pennies on the dollar is insanity!! It’s just not the State where the children are attending or the teachers. It’s actually the parents or lack thereof, being present in their children’s education. Sitting in front of the TV and casually asking “Is your homework complete?” isn’t parenting. I’m a 52yo Gen X’er with four other siblings. Our parents were VERY much involved in our education. Each and every afternoon/evening, my parents would come home, look through our assignments, give us questions NOT in our books and have us explain these concepts to them. I’m so appreciative of my upbringing. I also realize not every household shall have parents present due to possibly working several jobs, etc. Totally get that. But it’s not just funds, it’s a symmetry of Students, teachers, and parents. That study shocked me. Throwing more money into a failing system is NEVER the answer. We need to revisit what’s truly successful, what really works, and implement the vision.
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