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Link to 2020 video: End of “WOKE” & the Politics of PROSPERITY…
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- Woke/progressive was never an organic movement. It was a well funded operation with paid participants.
- Woke ruined Star Wars. That I will never forgive.
- In Australia, regrettably, Woke is still going strong. If anything it is actually gaining momentum. – Krispycreams
- There’s a reason why the phrase “Go WOKE go BROKE” is true.
- Woke didn’t get cancelled. It won’t until the people pushing it are physically dealt with.
- One small correction, woke was and still is popular with women.
- It isn’t going to be over unfortunately. The people really in charge of it will do what they usually do: a) rebrand b) pivot temporarily and go into hiding until the time is right to push it again
- A bit of a warning: Woke isn’t dead, its merely been put on the shelf, waiting for the right moment when no one is paying attention, to bring it back
- Tim Pool just did a great video on this that shows just how forced the whole woke thing has been. Dylan Mulvaney, a person with 9 million TikTok subscribers and constant national news coverage couldn’t even sell a few hundred books. They force this thing down our throat with the algorithm and then pretend that it’s popular because they’ve silenced everyone who disagrees with them.
- Woke isn’t dead it’s just waiting for the conditions to be better like insects in winter – Codygolden
- In other words, Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs still wins out, and your neighbors will turn on you, if you have food during a famine, and they don’t.
- Wokery and its offshoots will live on for a while. It’s similar to how Puritanism slowly died as a movement but lived on in the cultural mythology of New England. It will be given lipservice as heroes (like Rosa Luxembourg) but relegated as a cautionary tale whenever the newest plague of neo-marxism is inflicted on the rest of humanity.
- From Canada to the UK, you really must be a glutton for punishment…. Luckily spring is almost here, she’s teasing us, then us Brits say fuck it, fuck the bills, fuck the government lets go to the pub garden and forget about life for a while…
IMPORTANT: Never Fly Again! This Is INSANE! Your life is in danger – Folks pay attention… This is extremely serious – going on and getting exposed now. DO NOT FLY until this is publicly corrected 

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A New President: TOP 10 MEMES – Watch MAGA
Street Fight: TOP 10 MEMES – Watch MAGA
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- Dr. Zelenko is the man who advised Trump on Hydroxy ..Here’s his recipe to keep immunity strong – Zelenko Z Stack