Based Mom Shuts Down Single-Issue (Abortion) Voter Live on Air
“Where was ‘my body, my choice’ during COVID?”
“I was at MSG. I gave the invocation on Sunday, and I saw RFK there. I saw Tulsi Gabbard there. I saw people in that audience that have never voted Republican before in…
— The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) October 31, 2024
Based Mom Shuts Down Single-Issue (Abortion) Voter Live on Air “Where was ‘my body, my choice’ during COVID?” “I was at MSG. I gave the invocation on Sunday, and I saw RFK there. I saw Tulsi Gabbard there. I saw people in that audience that have never voted Republican before in their lives, and they’re coming together to support Donald Trump.” Tiffany Justice is a legend!
Stolen Liberties & Echoes of Freedom. 2nd American Revolution Begins – A short story by CK Sheldon, for Whatfinger News….
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