Biden Admin is pressuring Secret Service to NOT protect Trump as needed right now…. Dan Bongino – Are they going to try to kill him like Kennedy and RFK since many of us believe this is the only way to stop the Deep State’s complete exposure come election time. If they steal again, all America will know, they will not be able to hide the Deep State dictatorship ever again… Sgt A (for those who do not know that the CIA killed RFK as well as his brother, the President, see under the video…
Links used in this News Variable Show…
Top GOP Senator Ron Johnson SNAPS on Biden Regime over Trump indictment: “The FBI, the DOJ, interfered in the 2016 election, in the 2020 election, and here we go again: there’s going to be interfering in the 2024 election.”
Trending Politics Article:
The News Variable Show, with Mal Antoni hosting… Now here on Rumble. All controversial statements by Mr. Antoni are his own opinions. If you don’t like them, don’t watch. If you are one of those nut cases who watch just to complain, get a life or stick to fake news. We have no time for your BS. America needs patriots that just say it like it is. If you don’t like it, too damn bad.
——DISCLAIMER: This show contains opinions of the host and guests and is meant for education and/or entertainment purposes only. News Variable provides information and the sources where it was obtained. Viewer discretion is advised. Email for any reason – or my new website – or check out my new account over at Twitter, Not used much yet but it is also have a Facebook that I don’t use – and never check yet. I will eventually, maybe in a few months or so. I’m not a fan of digital dictatorships, which is why I’m here on Rumble. The powers that be on YouTube keep banning me vids. Here is the account there – will be using it only for Health related vids since they will not let anyone see the political vids. Any mention of Covid and they give you a strike. Too much censorship over there.
Copyright © 2023 by Mal Antoni, News Variable All Rights Reserved.
Banned Video – Watch Now – RFK on his father’s murder by CIA. Shocking details – Banned on Facebook and YouTube of course – here is a candidate for President right now in 2023 (RFK) and they will not let him tell you the facts…. Amazing how much of a dictatorship America already is without millions still knowing…
Top GOP Senator Ron Johnson SNAPS on Biden Regime over Trump indictment: "The FBI, the DOJ, interfered in the 2016 election, in the 2020 election, and here we go again: there's going to be interfering in the 2024 election."
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) June 12, 2023
Reminder …
The FBI and the DOJ are protecting the monsters who went to Jeffery Epstein's rape island.
If you're rich, powerful, and in the right political party – you can do anything and the FBI and DOJ will protect you.
Zero arrests – zero people named – zero justice.
— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) June 12, 2023
What about the Biden's? Democrats get away with everything and anything because the media, FBI, DOJ work exclusively for Democrats, and Uni-Party RINO traitors just keep standing down! That's why!
— Mike Engleman
(@RealHickory) June 12, 2023
Fired for Not Being Gay – Mark Dice
Lockdown 2.0 Is Coming Soon: Are We Already Conditioned for Another One? London Real with Dr. Robert Malone
Greta: 10 days Left Until Humanity is Wiped Out! Global Warming Scam, 97% of scientists lie, all you need… Global Warming Hoax: Carbon Dioxide has nothing to do with temps. Shocking clips… Keep this link and use with ANYONE who dares tout the Marxist, Democrat lie of temps rising. Only 1 degree since 1630 folks…. most of that before industry. The lie exposed in multiple clips. – Sgt Pat 
President Biden: “What do I do now?” Security Guard: “Go over there and shake hands with that guy”
C-SPAN Callers Go VIRAL For SOUNDING OFF on Trump Indictment. They all know, all Leftists too. – Blaze
Dr. Fauci belongs in prison. Watch all of these lies… Clip of clips
Mark Levin goes SCORCHED EARTH after the indictment of Donald Trump 

Magadonians are Coming Home: TOP 10 MEMES – Watch MAGA
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