Now there are no political consequences for telling the truth, so Democrats say it’s obvious Covid came from a lab. Zero credit deserved for this. They should publicly beg those of us who were right all along for forgiveness. And we should not give it.— Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) March 23, 2025
Now there are no political consequences for telling the truth, so Democrats say it’s obvious Covid came from a lab. Zero credit deserved for this. They should publicly beg those of us who were right all along for forgiveness. And we should not give it.. Now there are no political consequences for telling the truth, so Democrats say it’s obvious Covid came from a lab. Zero credit deserved for this. They should publicly beg those of us who were right all along for forgiveness. And we should not give it. – Buck Sexton Post
- We knew this years ago…..and these supposed “intelligent” dems are just now coming to this realization?? Oh please, they knew. And still pushed everything that hurt this country. And now want to pretend they are “shocked” at what we all knew years ago. Only liars or stupid people didn’t even consider the possibility Covid came from a lab when it was the most likely and obvious source. Sadly this group were our “experts.” Only really stupid people believed the liars/stupid people.
- Bullshit. They released it on purpose to tank Trump’s progress up until 2019. The Democrats and FAUCI RELEASED THE VIRUS ON PURPOSE TO CREATE LOCKDOWNS. They seriously thought they had a cure in the VAXX that was ALREADY CREATED by Pfizer and Moderna. – Capt Sterrn
- Hey Buck, liberals always push that universal compassion stuff, but it’s just naive. They wanna save the world while ignoring their own backyard. I get it, empathy’s great, but their moral circle’s so wide it’s meaningless. Focus on your own people first, right? That’s what conservatives get.
- I don’t care about them begging for forgiveness. What they did was criminal. They should be prosecuted for perpetrating this fraud on the public. Happy and proud to say I never believed any of the bullshit, I did not comply, and never took part in any of the nonsense. Continued to live my life, and I and my family are better for it today. Somebody else doesn’t like that. That’s fine. Fvck them.
- It not only came from a lab, it was not a natural evolved virus but a purposely man created one. And Democrats paid for it to be created. And Democrats intended for it to be released on the world, so they could use it to sieze government control.
- Exactly. They smeared, censored, and ruined lives for simply stating the obvious. Now that it’s politically convenient, they casually admit the truth like it’s no big deal. No apologies, no accountability, just moving on as if they weren’t complicit in one of the biggest cover-ups in modern history. Unforgivable.
- 100%. These people told me I needed to give birth in a mask. They roped off playgrounds and called sane people murderers for not going along. Anyone saying this now who doesn’t *also* apologize and grovel is not acting in good faith and does not deserve mine in return.
- No, sorry. Gain of function will never be for protection against viruses as far as i am concerned. There is zero reason to be making weird and deadly diseases and it sure as hell isn’t to protect us. How can you get so close to the truth and yet arrive at the lie? Lol And some of us, praise the lord, actually used their brains because they weren’t washed and drenched in fear and political bias. It was plain stupid to believe anything other than it coming from wuhan lab. Gain of function makes zero sense! Zero! – AMber
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