“WE’RE GETTING THE RUNAROUND!” – @TomFitton is suing for documents related to the Trump Assassination attempt in Butler, PA, and continues to run into roadblocks.@jsolomonreports @amandahead pic.twitter.com/n3h8cy6Nmv
— Real America’s Voice (RAV) (@RealAmVoice) March 24, 2025
Judicial Watch sued Fulton County DA Fannie Willis Office “for access to information about her collusion with the Nancy Pelosi January 6th operation”
Tom Fitton: “They confirmed they had 212 pages of records, showing what looks to be collusion with the January 6th committee”… pic.twitter.com/f8EeSxhXMS
— Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes) March 23, 2025
Judicial Watch sued Fulton County DA Fannie Willis Office “for access to information about her collusion with the Nancy Pelosi January 6th operation” Tom Fitton: “They confirmed they had 212 pages of records, showing what looks to be collusion with the January 6th committee” Things are about to get interesting “She first denied in our lawsuit having any records. In fact, she never showed up in court to answer our lawsuit. That’s why she was ordered to pay $22,000 in attorney’s fees and cost to Judicial watch. Recently, last week after arguing they had no records and then later arguing they had some records. They confirmed they had 212 pages of records showing what looks to be collusion with the January 6th committee. Of course, they don’t want to give any of those records to the American people. The court ordered her office to turn the records over to him so he could make sure that being withheld lawfully. But in the end, they were caught red-handed, providing false information about their collusion with the January 6th committee to get Trump.” People need to go to prison.
- They tried to bury the truth and got caught red-handed. Fannie Willis lied, withheld records, and coordinated with the J6 committee to target President Trump. This is criminal. People MUST go to prison. – CHaotic Genius
- Fani Willis needs to face prison time for hiding evidence and colluding against Trump. Lawsuits alone aren’t enough to stop this abuse of power! Shouldn’t the January 6th Committee also face charges for their role in this scheme?
- First she said there were no records, then got caught hiding 212 pages worth of them—and now a judge is forcing her to come clean? That’s not just corruption, that’s a coordinated cover-up. Fani Willis wasn’t investigating Trump—she was colluding to take him down. The real question is, how deep does this go, and how many more were in on it? Because if justice still means anything, prison shouldn’t be off the table.
- Doesn’t it seem odd that it takes years to uncover the liars and cheats. I can usually tell when someone is lying within five minutes. When you participate in a criminal activity your locked up with days. If you’re a politician, it takes years. What’s up with that?
- Thank you!! We knew this was an attempted take down of an American presidential candidate. Clarity is power… and maybe we can return power to common sense, common decency and to the people.
- If these allegations hold up, this goes beyond political games—it’s outright corruption. Transparency is critical when public officials act, especially on something as significant as January 6. If 212 pages of records exist, why deny them? Accountability shouldn’t be optional, no matter who’s involved.
- Right. And Jim Jordan never enforced his own subpoena to her. The House Judiciary needs a new chairman who WILL shake the trees and enforce subpoena’s.
- Discovering her deception and activities is great, but it seem to me that is only the beginning. I think we are all frustrated that we know what they did, but no one is being held accountable. This only emboldens them. – Julie M
- The judge forced her to turn over the documents but she is still trying to keep them secret. To me this looks like a cover-up – these people need to face real consequences, not just fines
- What’s most concerning is these DAs do all this on the record. They do it because it’s so difficult to get records and they believe they are completely immune to all laws. It’s time to crack down nationally on corrupt DAs, ADAs, clerks, etc.
- She is as rotten as liver pudding! Wait, maybe I would like liver pudding… Okay, so she’s much worst then that!
- This is the tip of the iceberg. I hope
goes after Bragg and James next. We know they are part of it as well. This should facilitate prosecutions of every POS on the fake J6 committee.
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