If you are still out there getting flu and covid shots; you are a full blown retard; period. pic.twitter.com/9o2mxGsMvE
— Real Ben (@AtRealBen) March 20, 2025
#3 – “The flu shot is no longer really necessary at best.”
In an interview with Dr. Bryan Ardis, Dr. Zelenko said you’re better off taking EGCG, NAC, Zinc, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D than ever taking the yearly flu shot. “If you get enough zinc into your cell, you’ll be protected… pic.twitter.com/wGNstYUZZu
— The Vigilant Fox
(@VigilantFox) October 27, 2023
‘If you get the Flu Shot…you’re 4.4 times more likely to get ill…The Pentagon even published a paper stating this…” -HHS Secretary RFK Jr.
‘If you get the Flu Shot…you’re 4.4 times more likely to get ill…The Pentagon even published a paper stating this…” -HHS Secretary RFK Jr. pic.twitter.com/uKcRhoYPBU
— Dr David Cartland BMedSci MBChB MRCGP (2014) (@CartlandDavid) March 19, 2025
- 2006 was around the time I stopped vaccinating my son because I started questioning things. Now look what they’ve done. Just ramped it up!
- I know people in Seattle that get the shot, get sick with what the shot was supposed to protect. And then go get another shot
- It’s all about the money they keep you sick they don’t care if you die but as long as the government starts paying them and keeps paying them the money for the flu shot so now they have to look into it so that they can continue to keep giving out a flu shot and say it gotten better so they can keep getting money
- The flu shot is no longer really necessary at best.” In an interview with Dr. Bryan Ardis, Dr. Zelenko said you’re better off taking EGCG, NAC, Zinc, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D than ever taking the yearly flu shot. “If you get enough zinc into your cell, you’ll be protected from single-stranded RNA viruses,” he said. This includes all strains of COVID and the flu. That formula became known as Z-DTOX, and another formula, Z-Flu with elderberry, became Dr. Zelenko’s go-to recommendation for influenza.
Elon Musk posted his full 8-minute interview with Hannity last night….
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Slash & Smash: TOP 10 MEMES – Watch MAGA
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– Dr. McCullough’s company! – Sponsor
- Dr. Zelenko is the man who advised Trump on Hydroxy ..Here’s his recipe to keep immunity strong – Zelenko Z Stack
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