HOLY SHLIT. Karoline Leavitt just hung the media out to DRY for denying the COVID lab-leak truth right to their faces.
“Several years ago, when I worked in this press shop, and [Trump briefed the media] on COVID-19, he suggested that COVID may have come from a lab in Wuhan,… pic.twitter.com/TrVa7mrc2g
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) January 31, 2025
“Several years ago, when I worked in this press shop, and [Trump briefed the media] on COVID-19, he suggested that COVID may have come from a lab in Wuhan, China – and many members in this VERY ROOM mocked him for that… said he was spewing ‘conspiracy theories.’ He was not. We now know that to be the truth. The president was right again.”
- The lab leak has ALWAYS been the most likely scenario. In fact, the Wuhan lab requested additional emergency funds to overhaul their entire air filtration system in Sept 2019. Many people didn’t know or hear that. – Professor Duke
- I honestly don’t know if I can survive 4 years of winning like this. I am no spring chicken and the Trump admin is having no mercy on us old people. If my heart gives out, I’m blaming Trump and his constant winning! I will die happy tho – Ungrateful Peasant
- They need to be reminded regularly how selective they’ve been with their reporting, and how dishonest and biased they have been!
- DARPA Unclassified documents confirm that SARS-CoV-2 was created by EcoHealth Alliance at the Wuhan Institute of Virology coordinated by Peter Daszak. It was designed to be deliberately virulent and humanized resulting in 6.5 million deaths. Anthony Fauci was involved. Peter Daszak: A British zoologist, consultant and public expert on disease ecology, in particular on zoonosis. He is at the heart of the COVID lab leak theory for his work on gain of function research in Wuhan, China—- wikimedia – Funny Explore
.@RandPaul was once labeled a “conspiracy theorist” for saying a lab leak probably caused Covid.
Now the FBI and Energy Department say it’s likely.
Here he explains how Anthony Fauci and other officials tried to COVER UP the origin to protect their reputations and funding: pic.twitter.com/BUXUmnGsUJ
— John Stossel (@JohnStossel) October 6, 2024
- Three years ago, other dissidents and I told the public that Covid-19 likely originated in a lab leak. Public health officials, led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, said that our concerns were unscientific, that they were “misinformation” and “conspiracy theories.” Now, Congress, the mainstream media, and those same public health officials have cast doubt on Dr. Fauci’s actions, saying not only that he was wrong, but that he deliberately misled the public. When I am president, I won’t take advice from corrupt federal officials. And I will clean out the rat’s nest that is our federal agencies. – Robert F Kennedy Jr
Three years ago, other dissidents and I told the public that Covid-19 likely originated in a lab leak. Public health officials, led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, said that our concerns were unscientific, that they were “misinformation” and “conspiracy theories.” Now, Congress, the… pic.twitter.com/fhJHbJ6gPS
— Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) June 11, 2024
Dr. Francis Boyle, the Harvard educated law professor that drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act provided an affidavit stating that Covid 19 injections and mRNA nanoparticle injections violate the law and are Bioweapons of Mass Murder.
BREAKING NEWS: The FDA was involved in the development of Covid-19 as an offensive biological warfare weapon at UNCBSL3. The Pentagon bought and paid for the toxic mRNA shots and helped create Covid-19. All are guilty of Nuremberg crimes, murder and conspiracy to commit murder. The CDC Director Rochelle Walensky is also accountable for these murders and Nuremberg crimes. The Harvard Medical School was also involved in the development of Covid-19 at the UNCBSL3 lab with Ralph Baric along with the FDA. The CDC has long been involved in offensive biological weapons dating back to the Reagan Administration. The Reagan Administration authorized the CDC to ship biological warfare agents to Saddam Hussein in Iraq hoping he would use them against Iran. U.S. International Lawyer Professor Francis Boyle states the end goal of DARPA, the Pentagon, the FDA, the CDC, the CIA, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak, Anthony Fauci, the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and many others is population control and reduction while making billions of dollars.
New reports show worldwide excess deaths of 12 million innocent people. Professor Boyle drafted the U.S. domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush. Professor Boyle has also advised numerous international bodies in the areas of human rights, war crimes and genocide, nuclear policy, and bio-warfare. From 1991-92, he served as Legal Advisor to the Palestinian Delegation to the Middle East Peace Negotiations. He goes on to say that the population control and reduction objective goes back to the National Security directive by the Henry Kissinger Report written in 1974 which stated that it was in the best interest of National Security for the United States and for Overseas Interests to have a population control and reduction policy.
The National Security Study Memorandum NSSM200 Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (THE KISSINGER REPORT) dated December 10, 1974 was Classified and Confidential until it was Declassified on 7/3/89. Read the entire report to understand what they are doing. All citizens of the world are strongly encouraged to go to their local Sheriff’s Office, Police Office and District or State Attorney General’s Office and file criminal charges of murder and conspiracy to commit murder, demanding that the people responsible be arrested and prosecuted. This must be done, be brave and act now humanity. The Chinese Communist Government also helped the Pentagon and the FDA create Covid-19. They new they were developing a dangerous offensive biological warfare weapon with gain of function properties that had HIV DNA genetically engineered into it and was combined with nanotechnology in order to aerosolize it enabling the bioweapon to travel up to 30 feet in the air. They deliberately created both biological warfare weapons Covid-19 and the lethal Covid vaccines long before the Pandemic and then they created a fraudulent Pandemic in order to release these deadly biological weapons of war on humanity to kill millions of innocent people worldwide.
BREAKING NEWS: The FDA was involved in the development of Covid-19 as an offensive biological warfare weapon at UNCBSL3. The Pentagon bought and paid for the toxic mRNA shots and helped create Covid-19. All are guilty of Nuremberg crimes, murder and conspiracy to commit murder.… pic.twitter.com/RZrlIFu9ul
— Truth Justice ™ (@SpartaJustice) April 14, 2023
Trans Pilot? Bombshell New Video Of Blackhawk & Jet Crash… – this one didn’t even change course? – The Quartering Vid
822,573 Reasons Why Pocahontas Slammed RFK, Jr. – Dummie Funnies
SEN. MULLIN: “1-in-36. If that’s not a pandemic, then what is? It used to be 1-in-10,000 have autism. Can any of you guys with a straight face say that we shouldn’t look at every aspect to what we’re putting in our kids, be it from the food to the vaccines?”
Strange Things About The Plane Crash – Paul Joseph Watson
Rand Paul WENT OFF at RFK Jr.’s hearing on vaccines
Coming Home: TOP 10 MEMES – Watch MAGA
- Be prepared for anything, including lockdowns with your own Emergency Med kit – see Wellness Emergency Kit (includes Ivermectin and other essential drugs, guide book, much more… peace of mind for you and your family)
– Dr. McCullough’s company! – Sponsor
- Dr. Zelenko is the man who advised Trump on Hydroxy ..Here’s his recipe to keep immunity strong – Zelenko Z Stack