Stolen Liberties & Echoes of Freedom Chapter 4 – Whatfinger News' Choice Clips
Whatfinger News' Choice Clips

Stolen Liberties & Echoes of Freedom Chapter 4

The day after the election, it felt as though time had frozen. The announcement declared Kamala Harris as the winner, yet celebration was absent. Instead, a chilling dread swept over the country, blanketing it like a dark storm cloud. Videos exposing alleged fraud flooded the internet—Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, New York, New Jersey—the list went on. Every platform buzzed with outrage, betrayal seething through each post. No one believed Harris could legally defeat Trump; the consensus was clear: this was a Marxist coup to dismantle America, to enslave its citizens under a new ruling elite.

In Luke and Lisa’s living room, the tension was palpable. The TV played background clips of Charlie Kirk, Natalie Winters, Peter Navarro, and JD Vance, each calling for a massive rally in DC. The urgency in their voices was unmistakable—America had reached a boiling point.  The clips showing the fraud in Philadelphia, Detroit and Atlanta were seen by 150 million Americans in just 24 hours. There was no stopping it all from getting out. We were in the right, and the enemy has shown itself.

Pat paced furiously, his fists clenching as he spoke. “We all saw it. There’s no way Harris legitimately pulled in 95% of votes in places like Philadelphia. They’re mocking us—thinking we’ll roll over just like in 2020. This is the same playbook, only worse. They kicked out the poll watchers, locked the doors, then unloaded boxes of ballots at 3 AM. It’s as if they want us to see the theft, to dare us to react.”

Ben, sitting at the edge of the couch, nodded gravely. “Fulton County pulled the same stunt—no public oversight, poll watchers thrown out. It’s like watching a rerun, only now, it’s nationwide.” His eyes narrowed. “Those Soros-backed prosecutors promised to ignore fraud. And now, Texas, Texas of all places, is compromised. They’ve stolen everything from us.”

Lisa squeezed Luke’s hand. “It’s surreal,” she whispered. “I thought this time… this time, we had a chance.”

Luke pulled her closer, his voice a quiet fury. “They believe they’re untouchable, but the people aren’t blind. They think they can censor us, hide the truth. But we’ll spread the word, one way or another. Satellite phones, encrypted channels—whatever it takes.” Ben nodded, adding, “Sat phones are ready. The tech they’d need to trace us doesn’t even exist yet. They’d have to bring down satellites themselves to stop us. Do you know that most people in the country have no clue that with satellite phones they can’t triangulate your position within 50 miles. That is a very big advantage.”

Pat’s eyes blazed. “Marxists never surrender power peacefully. We’re facing a choice—live in fear, or rise up. ‘It’s better to die on your feet than live on your knees,’ as Zapata once said. They’ll take our children, our freedom, our country, if we let them.” He leaned forward, his voice lowering but no less fierce. “This will make the Civil War look like a picnic. We go to DC, and if they try to intimidate us, we show them we’re ready. They need to know we’re willing to sacrifice, that we won’t go quietly.”

Ben added, “If this escalates, martial law won’t save them. They’re relying on loyalty from the top brass, but our guys won’t follow illegal orders. SEAL teams might stand by them, but numbers are on our side. Real patriots are ready.”

Lisa glanced at her phone. “Trump’s scheduled to speak tonight—supposedly on every major network.” Luke’s face darkened. “If they imprison him, they know he’s a martyr. They can silence him, but they can’t silence us.”

Pat spoke up, his tone solemn. “Trump isn’t surrendering, and neither will we. History won’t remember the quiet and compliant; it remembers those who fought. He’s one man, but he’s got millions with him, all who refuse to see freedom die.”

Ben nodded, his voice grim but steady. “Gun stores across the country have lines around the block. People are gearing up, and they won’t stop. ‘Liberty must at all hazards be supported,’ as John Adams said. ‘It is our duty to guard against their tyranny.’  Kathy shook her head ‘All of these damned sayings, and patriotic notes…. the fact is some of us won’t make it out of this alive. The room was quiet. Yeah, I know… Thomas Jefferson said “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”  The men almost in unison yelled out ‘Fuckin A’, it was a group thing they always did. Pat added “You all saw that TV show Spartacus? The one episode at the end called ‘Kill Them All’. Well, that’s where I am. Ben repeated ‘Fuckin A’

As the men’s voices rose, Lisa and Kathy exchanged a look, concern clear in their eyes. Lisa reached for Kathy’s hand, whispering, “Let’s get drinks. Maybe it’ll take the edge off.”

They moved quietly to the kitchen, a brief retreat from the storm brewing in the living room. Kathy leaned against the counter, wiping away a tear. “Pat’s so fired up. He’s talking like he’s ready to go to war right this second.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “It scares me, Lisa. What if… what if something happens?”

Lisa placed a reassuring hand on Kathy’s shoulder. “He deserves to know, Kathy. He needs to understand why you can’t go with him to DC.” Kathy’s eyes glistened with unshed tears. “I will tell him. Soon. But not now, not when he’s already carrying so much.”

The women shared a quiet moment, each bracing against the fear that weighed on them. Finally, Kathy took a breath, her voice firm. “Let’s go. They need us in there, even if they don’t know it.” Together, they walked back into the living room, drinks in hand, hoping a small act of normalcy might calm the rising storm.

The men’s plans had sharpened. The line between defense and revolution blurred as preparations continued, each word heavy with consequence. The group knew that the days ahead would be a test of will, a reckoning.

To Be Continued tomorrow or later today –  CK Sheldon (link) Please read below….
This is a new format for me.  Need some input from readers as this is developing. I am up to Chapter 6 so the next chapters will be posted here on Whatfinger in the next few days.  It is not finished yet and should be about 10-12 chapters as it is a short story leading to many more if readers enjoy it…. all to be posted here.   The pages will be edited as I want to add links to help readers add the context, as I did on page 1 and 2 …. If you like the story please let me know here in comments. Also if you have good links I can add to text used,  please use the comment board on the bottom of each page where you think a link should go….  CK

Chapter 1 page 1
Chapter 1 Page 2

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

24/7 Breaking News – with Time Stamps

Please email links, news, articles, ideas, tips, whatever –

Operation Days Of Repentance – Armed Forces Press

Democrats attempting to steal FLORIDA – and all States – this is yet another way  holy SCHLIT – Fast clip – Rumble

Megyn Kelly Takes Bill Maher To School, Sends Him Into Retreat Mode [WATCH] – RVM News

Chinese hackers target Trump and Vance phones. Verizon is working with Feds supposedly – Fast clip – Rumble

Iranian Spies Inside U.S. Government? Blinken And Obama Fingerprints Tied To Kamala | John Gillette -RVM News

Pennsylvania Officials Investigating Thousands of ‘Fraudulent’ Voter Registration Applications Daily Fetched

Michelle Obama Joins Kamala Harris on the Campaign Trail: A Boost for Democrats in Michigan – Wayne Dupree

The Atlantic Council Has Big Plans For A War Between The US And Iran – Alt Market

New Ad directed at Pennsylvania Catholics featuring RFK Jr. – AFP

ICYMI: “F*** You!”: Woke Woman Melts Down Over Trump Sign, Berates Neighbor [WATCH] – American Tribune

ROGAN: The rebels are Republicans now. The Democrats are tyrants, want censorship…. Fast clip with Trump – Rumble

North Korean troops arrive in Russian region occupied by Ukraine –NY Post

Donald Trump, Joe Rogan Mock Gavin Newsom For Sanitizing San Francisco Ahead Of Xi Jinping Visit –The Federalist

Beat Up Grandpa if He Doesn’t Vote for Kamala –Moon Battery

The Butthurt Babies On the Left – AFNN


WATCH: “The View” Co-Hosts Hold Group Therapy Session As Trump Victory Looks Likely – American Tribune

New groove dropped on TikTok – For Trump – to escape the commie censors everyone is making songs… and spreading to millions of views over and over…  BEAUTIFUL is it not, when the people find a way around the Marxist controls! – Rumble

Anderson Cooper Flips Out When Guest Accuses Him of Lousy Network Coverage – Daily Fetched

I would really love some help with making this girl famous. Low life Dem screams at a baby…. Democrat SCUM – Fast clip – Rumble –

Must Watch! Humanity Strays Dangerously Close to the Nuclear Trigger (We Are Seeing Nuclear Regional Powers Preparing to Cross Swords.) – Earl King Blog

Did you know: Hummingbird Flight: Hummingbirds can fly backward, a unique trait among birds.

Before you vote LISTEN TO THIS – Evil is happening all over America by Dems – 2 min clip – Rumble

“Geraldo Rivera in a Pantsuit”: Tarlov Called Out Online after Getting Fact-Checked on Biden-Harris Economy [WATCH] – American Tribune

Oops! Guess You Can’t Keep Counting Votes Until You Win – Flopping Aces

The Only 3 Antibiotics You’ll Need When SHTF: Use This Advice Only When You Can’t See A Doctor (When SHTF) – MPG Blog

3 signs violence is about to explode in your neighborhood.

Homeland Security just issued this major warning!

Be prepared for anything, including lockdowns with your own Emergency Med kit – see Wellness Emergency Kit (includes Ivermectin and other essential drugs, guide book, much more… peace of mind for you and your family) 🛑 – Dr. McCullough’s company! 

Dr. Zelenko is the man who advised Trump on Hydroxy ..Here’s his recipe to keep immunity strong – Zelenko Z Stack

Buy Me A Coffee

Watch MAGA made this Whatfinger commercial, pretty cool huh!