‘Don’t be FOOLED’: What’s REALLY in the Senate’s new ‘border’ bill. Look what we found… – Whatfinger News' Choice Clips
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‘Don’t be FOOLED’: What’s REALLY in the Senate’s new ‘border’ bill. Look what we found…

There’s a lot going on let me start with the Border news over the weekend it continued to heat up and let me just give you a few of the touch points here more Governors traveled to the Texas Mexico border on Sunday to show their solidarity with Governor Abbott and federal government speeches were given directly at Ground Zero and the media is dubbing it civil war 2.0 so they were surrounded by the Texas National Guard military vehicles loads of razor wire right in Shelby Park at Eagle Pass Texas now over on the federal level the Senate appears to have come to an agreement on they say it’s a border bill but we’ll get into the details here in a second it’s actually a multi-billion dollar War package uh do not be fooled by the name border bill it’s not now it does have some stuff to do with the Border depending on who you talk to it’s both amazing for the border and the worst piece of IM immigration legislation in history it’s weird how something could be both of those things could it also possibly be that all of the Border news happening right now is just a song and dance.

Could it be that no one is actually interested at all in solving the Border problem all the world is but a stage and we are merely its players yes yes that’s what’s happening for decades now the Border has been enormous political capital for both uh sides in Washington DC Republicans love it Democrats love it and they never really cared about the impacts to our communities and to our states why would they suddenly start caring about it now well because it’s so bad uhhuh so we sent our Blaze Originals documentary team down with the Border uh Convoy and boy did they learn a lot they were with the Convoy but the Convoy LED them to all kinds of other discoveries about the standoff at the border between the state and the FEDS we found something shocking that no one is talking about we’re being duped by all sides here’s one piece I can give you today consider this did you hear about a a secret meeting did you hear that while reports of record amounts of illegals were pouring over our border this was in December secretary of state blinkin held a secret meeting with Mexican officials in Mexico City.

Now it was reported that he traveled there but the full contents of the meeting were not disclosed we have no idea why is that was there an agreement that was made were were concessions handed over if so what did we give up why isn’t this meeting discussed in the media when they talk about Civil War 2.0 or when the Senate hails a landmark border deal what happened in Mexico could all of this just be a charade for the people our Blaze’s original documentary team might have the real answer for you the full report is coming out in a couple of weeks but we will have more on this on our Wednesday night TV special this is all breaking news uh in in our world uh and we’ll give you all of the full details as we as We Gather everything and make sure it’s all buttoned up now the Senators revealed a $118 billion emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act wow so it’s an emergency and it’s about National Security so what did we get well $118 billion National Security Supplemental supplemental appro Appropriations act would give $60 billion in Aid to Ukraine wait wait what so it’s $8 billion half of it goes to I thought it wait wait emergency National secur Security Supplemental bill I thought that National Emergency was the Border because wasn’t that why he needed emergency Powers the border so half the money goes to uh Aid Ukraine uh they also allocated $20 billion into securing uh the US Southern border okay so say wait so three times the amount goes to Ukraine uh also it $20 billion for the Border $14 billion in security assistance to Israel and just to make it all fair.

10 billion dollars in humanitarian assistance for civilians caught in the conflict zones of Gaza oh well that’s okay wait what 4 a half billion almost 5 billion to support key Regional Partners in the Indo Pacific to deter China $2.5 billion to support us Central Command operations in the Red Sea 2.3 billion for ukrainians and other refugees displaced 400 million for the nonprofit security grant program which helps nonprofits and places of worship to make its security enhancements uh uh it would also require the Department of Homeland Security to nearly shut down the border now listen to this nearly shut down the Border what does that mean exactly well it means that we’re not going to shut down the Border but nearly do it now not today but that they can do that if the migrant crossers increase more than 5,000 a day on any given week or if the average daily encounters reach $4,000 uh 4,000 people a day in a onewe expand so if there’s 4,000 people for 6 days they can’t shut down the Border sorry they can’t nearly shut down the border at a rate of 5,000 IL legal immigrants entering the country that would mean more than 1.8 million illegal aliens would be coming into the country every year but remember I haven’t gotten to the nearly shut down the Border this is their solution today to let an additional two two million people just come across our border okay we’re a little sick of the 4 million I think we’re a little sick well let’s let’s slow it down let’s just do two million oh okay uh now Chris Murphy from uh the Democrat from the great state of Connecticut and I mean that being here it is a lovely lovely State.

What they’ve done with the trash is just wonderful it really is a require M of the president to uh funnel Asylum claims to the land ports of Entry when more than 5,000 people cross a day this is what Murphy is saying yesterday on X the Border never closes but claims must be processed at the ports this allows for a more and more orderly Humane Asylum processing system so got that so if it’s more than 5,000 a day then they have to be processed at the ports that’s the nearly closing the Border oh okay well that sounds really bad this is what you know lford came out and he was like you know everybody’s saying this is much worse than what we said it was going to be I challenge the people to come up to me and tell me what is worse well you know he’s kind of right remember when the media was saying oh it has none of that stuff in the bill oh that’s an outr that is disinformation that those things are in the bill yeah um Langford it’s probably not worse you’ve confirmed everything that we said was in it that you all were saying wait until you find out what’s in the bill cuz that’s not in the bill it’s in the bill oh my gosh with you know with people like Langford who needs friends serious serously who needs friends I’m a little confused I I’m going to have to get with a speaker’s team on and to find out what part would be worse than what we had expected based on the actual text it’s not worse it is the text that we said it was and you said it wasn’t oh my God Stu can you just take over for a sec CU I’m going to have it an your ISM over here in the corner yeah I mean that on that point you’re totally right like there was this big push back from the people who are negotiating it Langford being key in this uh in this room saying oh you guys are just acting off of rumors you’re acting off of Internet posts you’re acting off of you know false reporting about what this what’s in this bill I would never allow this to be in this bill and then they release the text of the bill and I mean to the number almost every single part of it is exactly what was reported I mean it’s bizarre I will say when you when you get to the point of talking about it being worse I would include clude this in the worst description tell me if you if you agree with this there is a provision in the bill that would allow the president now you might be um you might not know but Joe Biden is currently the president of the United States.

Okay so this would be under his authority there’s a provision in the bill that would allow the president to suspend the shutdown Authority it says quote it authorizes the president to suspend the Border emergency on an emergency basis for up to 45 days if it’s in the National interest so what do you think happens when we get across this 5,000 barrier every time he at least suspends it for 45 days and God only knows if he can do it consecutively and in in perpetuity that’s probably what would wind up happening though I’m not sure about that detail I mean look Glen you know you look at the bill and there are things in here that theoretically would make the situation a little bit better I mean there Asylum there’s Asylum improvements that I think could be part of of an eventual bill um they they say that uh yeah yeah I mean why even dis it’s a nonstarter because of things like this according to the bill if you cross the border illegally you get arrested and then Department of Homeland Security they decide that you’re entitled to protection they’re now able to give you automatic un automatic employment authorization yeah until you have your Asylum hearing now a couple parts in addition to that they say the Asylum hearings are going to come faster so no more 2032 court dates do you believe that I mean it the this is the problem I don’t believe that now if they they say it was it’s going to supposedly bring this down to months instead of years for Asylum that would be a legitimate uh Improvement as what we have not I don’t think it’s by judges I think it’s by the Department of Homeland Security is it not it’s I think it’s by the US citizenship and Immigration Services.

I’ve reviewed the bill, I don’t think it will solve our border crisis, and might make it worse. I will oppose it.   Joe Biden created this crisis by design. He can and should reverse his open border policies today. Here are a few of my concerns: – Tom Cotton

Um it kind of shifts a lot of it at least over over there but again do I believe that they’re they’re going to actually accomplish that no they also have tougher Asylum requirements and like this is a this could be a legitimate one Glenn but like think about this in a real country that does the things they say they do right they say uh they would CL include three bars to eligibility okay number one criminal history so if you have criminal history no Asylum for you okay totally legitimate number two could they have resettled in another country on the way to the US oh yeah okay if you actually implemented that that would be a great Improvement number three could they have resettled somewhere else in their own country okay perfect like yeah that that would be a legitimate thing to do that would be an improvement over our system and it would be a rational way to decipher these claims No One Believes they’re going to do those things No One Believes that this is actually going to happen when they’re ignoring dozens and dozens of other laws that are already on the books why why would we believe they would suddenly just implement this one part of this one law that would improve the system and there have no trust from the people and they have no rational reason to be trusted and that is a bigger part part of this problem not to mention they put in there that the the us or the president of the United States can just suspend The Authority.

So like at some points they say well it’s required that they shut the border down and then at the same time say well he’s got a 45-day window to supplement this at any point so like yeah his emergency power is to shut this bill down at any time yeah if he feels that it’s an emergency and in our best interest he can shut this bill down we all thought he was saying he needed emergency power to shut the border down he’s not and their response is well he’s nearly shutting it down right only 1.8 million people can come across the border in a year now they are push. they are pushing back against that number they’re they’re it does you know the way they’re wording it is that it doesn’t mean that they’re allowed in 5,000 are not allowed in they are saying that single adults would be detained um and families would be released via ATD Glenn alternatives to detention ah a little old ATD going on but of course to me even if you’re detaining them in the United States you’re still letting them into the United States and and we’re feeding and clothing and caring for people that we shouldn’t be feeding carrying our clothing and I mean this is just insane the expansion of the uh detention capacity is only 16,000 so again this is a few days under this system where else then where do people go again we’re going to be in the same crisis situation all over again.

Deep State Johnson says… 

Deep State Speaker Johnson: My joint statement with @SteveScalise @GOPMajorityWhip, and @RepStefanik regarding the Senate’s immigration bill: House Republicans oppose the Senate immigration bill because it fails in every policy area needed to secure our border and would actually incentivize more illegal immigration. Among its many flaws, the bill expands work authorizations for illegal aliens while failing to include critical asylum reforms. Even worse, its language allowing illegals to be ‘released from physical custody’ would effectively endorse the Biden ‘catch and release’ policy. The so-called ‘shutdown’ authority in the bill is anything but, riddled with loopholes that grant far too much discretionary authority to Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas – who has proven he will exploit every measure possible, in defiance of the law, to keep the border open. The bill also fails to adequately stop the President’s abuse of parole authority and provides for taxpayer funds to fly and house illegal immigrants in hotels through the FEMA Shelter and Services Program. Because President Biden has refused to utilize his broad executive authority to end the border catastrophe that he has created, the House led nine months ago with the passage of the Secure the Border Act (H.R. 2). That bill contains the necessary components to actually stem the flow of illegals and end the present crisis. The Senate must take it up immediately. America’s sovereignty is at stake. Any consideration of this Senate bill in its current form is a waste of time. It is DEAD on arrival in the House. We encourage the U.S. Senate to reject it.

Charlie Kirk caught this part…

The new border “deal” is so disastrous that even when in an “emergency,” the Border Patrol is supposed to “process” (read: let in) a minimum of 1,400 people per day – more than 500,000 per year. It is flabbergasting a single Republican could ever consider this acceptable. 1,400 per day should be the floor for DEPORTATIONS under any remotely viable deal, not illegal entries. – Charlie Kirk

More on this ridiculous and destructive deal


BREAKING: US Senate Leader Schumer just threatened to send US soldiers to fight Russia in Eastern Ukraine if the border bill isn’t passed

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