Ex-CIA analyst says intel agencies to be politically active again in 2024 ELECTION: ‘Significant problem’ “These Intel Agencies are Biased and cannot be trusted!” Like 51 Intel Agents who LIE in letter to frame TRUMP! They are part of the Globalist Deep State! Be careful who you believe in 2024!
Ex-CIA analyst says intel agencies to be politically active again in 2024 ELECTION: ‘Significant problem’
“These Intel Agencies are Biased and cannot be trusted!” Like 51 Intel Agents who LIE in letter to frame TRUMP! They are part of the Globalist Deep State!
Be careful who… pic.twitter.com/1xtgxlyOY7
(@sxdoc) January 2, 2024
The DeepState is in a massive pickle If they let Trump win, the people will demand to uncover the corruption If they don’t let Trump win, everyone will see that the system is controlled by Oligarchs and that democracy really doesn’t exist IMO, nothing can stop what’s coming – do you know why? (1) Humanity can NOT and will NOT move on without exposing the systemic corruption in our governments, even if Trump doesn’t expose it, #WeThePeople WILL!!!! (2) The majority of people already realize that Oligarchs/corporations run this planet and “democracy” is nothing but a farce
The DeepState is in a massive pickle
If they let Trump win, the people will demand to uncover the corruption
If they don’t let Trump win, everyone will see that the system is controlled by Oligarchs and that democracy really doesn’t exist
IMO, nothing can stop what’s… pic.twitter.com/C6fVTa6KHS
(@bambkb) December 30, 2023
You know they are intent on collapsing the economy. They are doing everything needed to accomplish America’s destruction, and the continued collapse of the dollar. So protect your family , your 401K, retirement – – – – click below
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