What makes Neil Cavuto desperately BEGGING Vivek Ramaswamy to disqualify himself from the December 6 GOP Loser Debate so hilarious is how laughably UNSUBTLE his pleas are. Please Vivek! Please say out loud that you don’t pledge to support the other GOP losers for President if they are nominated. Continued below the vid
PRETTY PLEASE! That way you will be DISQUALIFIED from appearing at the debate. More importantly, you won’t be able to embarrass our dearest Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel again for being incompetent (and greedy). Nice try, Neil, but maybe you should learn the art of being at least a little bit SUBTLE. People watching that debate will NOT be tuning in to see the rest of the losers repeat their standard shticks. Instead they will be be watching mainly to see if Vivek will call out incompetent GOP Chairwoman Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel again (as was predicted by Our Blessed Prophet PJ before the last debate.) Will PJ’s next prophecy be fulfilled?
My Ramaswamy Prediction (Hope) for Next GOP Loser Debate
Last month, as many of you might remember, I ACCURATELY predicted that Vivek Ramaswamy would DEMAND from the GOP debate stage the RESIGNATION of incompetent GOP Chairwoman Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel (see link below). Therefore I am once again going into Nostradamus mode to predict (and hope) what Ramaswamy will do at the December 6 GOP Loser Debate in Alabama. Yes, NONE of them can defeat President Trump but at least Vivek has the imagination to take that lemon of a loser debate and turn it into lemonade once again.
“DUmmie FUnnies CALLED IT On Vivek Demanding McDaniel RESIGN During Debate!!!”