Hot off the presses: I just received the transcript from Nov 1 classified docs hearing before Judge Cannon. Here’s the passage where Trump’s lawyer discusses discovery of “extensive” collaboration btw Biden White House, DOJ, NARA, and intel agencies prior to indictment: – Julie Kelly (Gag order info is below the transcript)
All Dem 3-judge panel for DC appellate court issues temporary hold on Chutkan gag order, expedites appeal process. Oral arguments 11/20. Julie Kelly
Vaccinated or not, toxic spike proteins pose a long-term threat to your health. This revolutionary Spike Support Formula is the only product that contains nattokinase and dandelion root, researched to block and dissolve spike proteins inside your body. – CLICK HERE or below…
- The Wellness Company’s Medical Emergency Kit. Peace of Mind for the Unexpected – Ivermectin included – Wellness Company (Sponsored) – We helped people all over America with their Spike formula as well. Their Spike formula fights the spike protein that is killing millions all over the world right now… for that see the next link – Sgt Pat
- Get the Spike Control formula to help you clean your blood out of spike proteins from the vaccine