Is there any doubt that the Biden Admin backed Hamas terrorists will kill this woman? I have ZERO doubt. Maybe Biden will give Hamas another 100 million like last week so they can free up more money to kill more Jews, and Israel then responds killing more in Gaza – so you see folks, Biden and the Democrats are agents of Chaos. We pay both sides to increase death. This is how the Democrats roll. CHAOS, WAR, Destruction. And murder. And then their media (95% control over it in the US) says whatever they want. It’s Trump’s fault usually. WE ALL (Even Democrats) see through their BS
BBC accidentally reports the truth
A grieving Palestinian mother in Gaza cries “All of this is because of the dogs of Hamas”.
They quickly shut her up before the world heard.
— Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi) November 2, 2023
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