So you know what we tell media here at Whatfinger News GO TO HELL. The people have the right to know ALL information.
Dr. McCullough was called upon by Senator Doug Mastriano (R-33) and in a Pennsylvania Senate session co-chaired by Senator Chris Dush (R-25), Dr. McCullough’s oral comments followed this outline and then he handled questions from the panel.
1) Update on the US design and blueprint of SARS-CoV-2 from Baric et al at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, funding by the NIH and outsourcing of the research plans via the EcoHealth Alliance to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, in Wuhan, China.
2) COVID-19 vaccine injury syndromes
a. Cardiovascular
b. Neurological
c. Thrombotic
d. Immunological
3. Questions from Senators and Representatives answered
a. Shedding
b. Risk benefit analysis of COVID-19 vaccines
c. Failure of vaccine efficacy
d. Reason why SARS-CoV-2 was created
e. Global results of mass indiscriminate COVID-19 vaccination—winners and losers
THE WRONG MAN: Whatfinger’s 7 – Watch MAGA
Clown World: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Laugh and cry with today’s clips – Sgt A
Fired for Not Being Gay – Mark Dice
Lockdown 2.0 Is Coming Soon: Are We Already Conditioned for Another One? London Real with Dr. Robert Malone
Greta: 10 days Left Until Humanity is Wiped Out! Global Warming Scam, 97% of scientists lie, all you need… Global Warming Hoax: Carbon Dioxide has nothing to do with temps. Shocking clips… Keep this link and use with ANYONE who dares tout the Marxist, Democrat lie of temps rising. Only 1 degree since 1630 folks…. most of that before industry. The lie exposed in multiple clips. – Sgt Pat 🔥
Dr. Fauci belongs in prison. Watch all of these lies… Clip of clips
Mark Levin goes SCORCHED EARTH after the indictment of Donald Trump 

Get back to that pre-COVID feeling.
Vaccinated or not, toxic spike proteins pose a long-term threat to your health.
This revolutionary Spike Support Formula is the only product that contains nattokinase and dandelion root, researched to block and dissolve spike proteins inside your body. – CLICK HERE or below… 🔥