Here’s my conversation with Calley Means where he revealed the lies told by the Big Food industry about the harm the foods they recommend are causing. (More below the vid on topic)
The food industry in America, known as “Big Food,” is contributing to the nation’s health crisis. These companies manufacture and promote foods that are high in sugar, salt, saturated fat, and calories, while also misleading consumers by obscuring nutritional information. Young people and minorities are often the target of these marketing tactics. Big Food also uses its financial influence to sway government policies and regulations in its favor, including funding advocacy groups and sympathetic scientists.
As a result of these practices, America is experiencing an obesity epidemic, with 37.7% of the population considered obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Modifiable risk factors contribute to preventable chronic diseases in almost half of all adults. Obesity rates are highest among African Americans and Hispanics, and low-income communities often lack the resources necessary to make healthier choices.
Promoting healthy lifestyles for all, regardless of socioeconomic status, could significantly reduce deaths from chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
Key points:
- “Big Food” in America contributes to the nation’s health crisis
- These companies produce and promote foods high in sugar, salt, saturated fat, and calories
- Misleading marketing tactics target young people and minorities
- Big Food uses financial influence to sway government policies and regulations
- Obesity rates are highest among African Americans and Hispanics, and low-income communities lack resources for healthy choices
- Promoting healthy lifestyles could reduce deaths from preventable chronic diseases by half.
For More Longevity Vids (all recent) see Whatfinger Longevity Vids at Choice Clips (If you can stay as healthy as possible for another 10-15 years, it is quite possible you will be alive for many decades, or longer, and healthy… even if you are 90 years young right now! NO BS!
RESET Your Age, LOOK Younger and Live FOREVER (Seriously!) | David Sinclair
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