- Victor Davis Hanson: The Thinnest Veneer Of Civilization Remains – Zerohedge article
- My study of hate speech: Victor Davis Hanson (at his site)
- Victor Davis Hanson: “So how does it all end, and Russian, Ukrainian, European and U.S. agendas become compatible? It doesn’t, and they won’t.” Only on American Greatness – CLICK HERE
- Victor Davis Hanson just finished teaching an upper-level history course at Hillsdale called “Strategy in War & Peace.” Students have the opportunity to learn from incredible and notable guest professors through special classes offered each semester. – Hillsdale
- Victor Davis Hanson: Democracy, Euphemism, and the British Empire | Just the News article
- Civilization is being steered into the gutter by the wealthy elites and their “progressive” political pals. “Instead, we arrogantly are reverting to a new feudalism as the wealthy elite—terrified of what they have wrought—selfishly retreat to their private keeps.”
- Victor Davis Hanson, “We blindly accept the faddish New Green Deal. We virtue signal about defunding the police. We merely shrug at open borders. And we brag about banning fertilizers and pesticides, outlawing the internal combustion engine, and discounting Armageddon.” “We are in a great experiment in which regressive progressivism discounts all the institutions and methodologies of the past that have guaranteed a safe, affluent, well-fed and sheltered America.”
With Socialism collapsing and seemly this is Leftist last grasp of control……Hanson begins 3:50https://t.co/vsHApPytnc
— robertwilmeth (@WilmethRobert) October 3, 2022