‘The Five’ are fed up with Biden’s COVID failures and lies, over and over - Whatfinger News' Choice Clips
Whatfinger News' Choice Clips

‘The Five’ are fed up with Biden’s COVID failures and lies, over and over

‘The Five’ panel knock Biden administration for mixed messages on COVID-19.

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3 Fast Clips: Joe Rogan, the sheep in a mental coma will start to wake up. Biden humor…


  • All of these “personalities” crowing about how they’ve been “vaccinated” and “boosted” and not a single one has had an adverse reaction. Seems like the adverse reactions only happen to the little people. And yes, I AM INSINUATING that these pricks did not get the jab, otherwise some of them would have dropped by now.

  • No “virus” has EVER been purified and shown to exist by any lab anywhere in the world. Growing a “virus” in a cell culture is NOT a valid way of detecting a “virus”. Louis Pasteur admitted on his death bed that he was wrong. The only procedure that is valid is one following Koch’s or even Rivers’ postulates (although Rivers cheats a little bit). The Weston A Price Foundation thinks that Covid is caused by 4G and 5G radiation poisoning. Think about it- Wuhan installed 30,000 5G transmitters and then Covid appears. The state of CA recently went full blown 5G and and then later exploded as a Covid hotspot.

    A “virus” is a set of symptoms INSIDE the body and is not contagious! The PCR test is a scam. The inventor of PCR said, before he died and I quote: “…it can be used to find almost anything in anybody”. He was emphatic about not using it as a testing tool. PCR amplifies genetic fragments so they can be studied under a microscope. The number of times they are amplified is the cycle count. Any Ct over 27 absolutely produces false positives. PCR testing for Covid routinely uses a Ct of 35 or even higher, up to 45! Furthermore, the Ct WILL NOT be indicated on your “test” results. This is how the fakedemic is being fraudulently perpetuated.

    The experimental mRNA therapy changes your RNA. You are no longer what God created. This is the mark of the Beast and cannot be undone. All kinds of garbage has been found in the “vaccine”. Graphene oxide (a deadly poison) is in it. G/ox travels to every organ in your body, causing damage. When it arrives at the brain it is able to cross the blood/brain barrier, get inside the brain and affect your neural synapses. In addition to graphene, stainless steel, glass and parasites have been found in the vax. Some of the Covid “vaccines” contain an Ad5 vector to transport some of HIV’s genetic material into the body. DO NOT GET VAXXED! There may be a way to de-tox from the vax, not sure about that. Use DuckDuckGo and search.

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