- Back in the mid 2000s my dad HATED Ben and Jerry’s. He would say they supported Communism while benefiting from Capitalism. He passed in 2007 but he would have loved this.
- When B & J went woke a few years ago I put them on the “DO NOT BUY” list. GO WOKE GO BROKE
- Damn yo. To be fired from Ben and Jerry’s for being to woke says a lot about a person. He must have been insufferable.
- I stopped buying their ice cream when they kept saying give land back to Native Americans but their main factory store was on Native American land. -Native American
- Funny how they let him destroy their business before they fired him they deserve bankruptcy
- I have an eight Ben & Jerry’s crappy ice cream since they started all this crap just because they fire the president doesn’t mean they still don’t believe what was said before because they do so I will still never eat Ben & Jerry’s garbage again.
- Consider the state that Ben and Jerry’s operates in which is Vermont. One insanely liberal states around. Look how they booed and made JD Vance and family have to change the location of their skiing trip. Shameful. Kahlil was not deported because a liberal judge blocked it.
- I made the mistake of buying a pint of their ice cream many years ago and I can honestly say that any cheap store brand is much better than the overpriced crappy ice cream they make . Ben & Jerry’s is one of the worst !
- I’m so happy about this…I’ve been boycotting B&Js for years. Ill buy now cuz their product is the sheeeeeeet!
- haven’t bought their ice cream in eight years at least . They have been playing this game for a long time . They don’t want my patronage . No problem .
- Oh no what will happen to the over priced ice creams…?? Will we have to make our own….?? Cause it’s easy to do especially here in my neighborhood, the central dairy plant, makes an ice cream mix that you just pour and use to create whatever flavor. Heck the wife’s family has been making 6 or 7 different flavors every summer for the reunion for years and they are not experts but have been successful as can be!
- Ben & Jerry’s infamously woke CEO, David Stever, has been fired by the ice cream company’s fed-up parent company Unilever Unilever bosses grew tired of Ben & Jerry’s advocating for divisive progressive causes like Black Lives Matters, DEI, defunding the police and Palestinian rights Good! – Myrna
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