Victor Davis Hanson: Why Won’t Europe Help ‘Rockstar’ Zelenskyy? – Whatfinger News' Choice Clips
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Victor Davis Hanson: Why Won’t Europe Help ‘Rockstar’ Zelenskyy?

Europe treats Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy like a superstar, yet still expects the United States to fund Ukraine’s war against Russia. Is this fair? “ Of all the players in this drama, it’s Europe who should be in the driver’s seat. They have 500 million people,” says Victor Davis Hanson on this episode of “Victor Davis Hanson: In His Own Words.” “We have 500 million people in Europe and they’re very upset that 330 million people across the ocean will not help 40 million people fighting 140 million people in Russia. In other words, of all the players in this drama, it’s Europe who should be in the driver’s seat. They have 500 million people. And yet, when we look at their expenditures, nine countries out of the 32, 11 years later, have not increased their NATO contributions to 2%. That’s all we’re asking for.” Don’t miss out on Victor’s latest videos by subscribing to The Daily Signal today. You’ll be notified every time a new piece of content drops:… The Daily Signal cannot continue to tell stories, like this one, without the support of our viewers: 00:00 Introduction to Europe’s Stance on Ukraine 00:17 Europe’s Population and Responsibility 01:45 NATO Contributions and Trade Surplus 02:41 Strategic Questions for Europe 03:35 Military Strategy and Coordination 05:12 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

  • I have family in Europe who are constantly bragging about all the social benefits they have and who consider the USA to be barbaric because we have so little in comparison. When I point out that the USA has been paying for their security for oveer 60 years at the USA taxpayer’s expense it doesn’t seem to register. They have become arrogant, woke, and are experts in virtue signaling, while considering the USA to be barbaric.
  • American has fought enough wars to save Europe (and other countries). Time for America to focus on fixing our own country for once.
  • Im Irish, my government is so sickening. Irish public servants get 1.5 times final salary in a tax free lump, followed by the biggest pension in Europe. My neighbour received £238,000 in a lump when he retired from a government job.(ESB). European public sector spend all the money on themselves. Its new cars and holidays for life. I think its the reason they are so woke. Its crazy expensive to rent a house now for an Irishfamily, 2500 a month for a 3 bed semi. Its completely free for refugees and 30 to 50 a week for unemployed. We are building 300 IPAS centres for refugees, dumping thousands of immigrants into rural communities without even asking. They do this on Friday evening when everything is closed. And they have hate laws now, for whites only of course. – BJJ900
  • European here. You’re right on every single point. You Americans have been too generous for too long. Europeans have hated the Americans forever. Even your involvement in WW2 is resented. No gratitude at all. For all my life (I’m in my late 50s) I’ve heard the French, the Germans and the British poo-pooh the American state and people.
  • I have written this elsewhere but it bears repeating. I backpacked around Europe in the mid-80’s. The older Germans loved us and were eager to tell us how it was during the war and especially after. Two specific memories: A man told of being a prisoner of war. It was well known that you would most likely starve to death if taken by Russians. The Russians lied continually how they were well supplied. But the German soldiers knew that you would be treated well by the Americans and that if the Americans didn’t have food they would be honest about it. Second memory of an old man telling me that he was at the front battling Russians. He said that no matter how many they killed they just kept coming, and coming, and coming. Lesson for Ukraine. You can’t win against an army that is more than 3 times yours. It has to stop. Keep putting out these short videos. They are gems!
  • You make a whole lot of sense; I have been in the US for nearly 30 years and a Citizen. I came from Europe back in the day, my European family has gone totally insane, just because we ask for reasonable trade rules and that Europeans put up their fair share. Now WE here in the US are the devil, we have been giving Europe protection since NATO was created, we have suffered from unfair trade deals and now we want to put things in place, they go all insane. Unfortunately, it came to the point where I do not talk much with my family anymore, things they say is really not suitable to repeat here, and these where people I had respect for and admired. Now they are all unhinged. I say we should pull all our military home from the world and let them all ply it out. Especially since we only receive hate back from those who should be the most thankful. – Norseman
  • Thank you, Mr. Davis. I appreciate your analysis, especially considering how the European Union leaders have been acting as if we are their adversaries. They seem to forget that last year was one of the most devastating in the United States due to natural disasters, leaving many Americans abandoned by their own government. Today, we are prioritizing America first—just as any sovereign nation has the right to do.
  • Thank you Victor. Keep typing and appearing on tv. You are a treasure and I absolutely love your opinions and facts. I served in NATO many many years ago as a USAF f16 pilot in West Germany. I say it over and over again, without the USA there is no NATO. I’ve seen it first hand. Write on.
  • We need to make it absolutely clear that if European countries send their troops in Ukraine, they are on their own and we are not going to rescue them if they get attacked. Ukraine is not a NATO country so under article 6, we have no obligation to come to their aid.
  • As a Brit I can tell you nothing in the EU gets done fast. Also we tended to treat the USA as some sort of Guardian Angel. One we could rage against if it became embroiled in wars or curse if it didn’t. So like China America is learning, being a global police man doesn’t always translate into diplomatic influence
  • I agree with all those things but also agree with JD Vance when he questioned why the US should defend alot of EU countries who more and more are becoming very authoritarian with their own people. Why should we support those governments?
  • German here, and I absolutely agree. I never understood why our leaders were winding down our defense capabilities, as if we were already living in a utopian reality with no wars. Then came Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and all of a sudden they were scrambling, it’s absolutely shameful. When they asked our young on TV if they were ready to serve in the military they said no because they would never shoot at another human being. Such is the mindset of our gen z. It’s utterly depressing. Everyone in Europe hates Trump, but if the U.S. under his administration would take concrete steps to pressure Europe to increase their military expenditure, that would hopefully wake certain people up. – Anderma

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