General Mike Flynn BOMBSHELL! The JFK file release CONFIRMS the CIA killed JFK – Whatfinger News' Choice Clips
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General Mike Flynn BOMBSHELL! The JFK file release CONFIRMS the CIA killed JFK

“The Central Intelligence Agency committed this act of criminal conspiracy to undermine and assassinate a president of the United States. We need accountability.”

  • The same agency that took out a sitting president has been meddling in elections, running coups, and silencing dissidents ever since. The truth was always there, now it’s undeniable. When do the trials start? – Chaotic Genius
  • That means the U.S. government took out its own president and covered it up for 60 years. This isn’t just history, it’s proof that the deep state has been running the show for decades. – Noah
  • Why so much shade on Thomas Crooks? JFK was 60 years ago. The assassination attempt in PA was 10 months ago. We gotta wait another 60 years?
  • We all knew. This should not have been #1 priority. Why? Because everyone involved with the JFK assassination is dead; however, just about everyone on the Epstein list is alive. We can spend our time on the ‘Chicken first?’, debate, or get some real answers. JMO – Greg Brantley
  • Americans and really the world populace need to understand 2 things as it relates to the Kennedy Administration & Assassination 1. Kennedy was for dismantling the secret societies & growing in power intelligence community. Namely the CIA. 2. The world governance crew began steering our nation towards NWO right after WW2 It’s taken over 70 years to get Us where we are now.. This entire 70 years to present has been setting us up for a global new world order. Without Donald Trump inserting himself into the DC Swamp? They may have succeeded! We came so close to the end of America as we knew it. We have survived a silent war that has raged since 1963. And it’s still going on today. The curtain is being pulled back on it all. – Pamela Olson
  • And this explains why the CRIMINALS wanted the Side Affects of the Covid Vax hidden for 75 Years. We need Multiple Investigations and Hangings or Prison Sentences for these Devils. Before another Law gets passed – Vengeful One
  • Yeah, we already knew the CIA k*lled JFK. Lee Harvey Oswald was actually trying to prevent it, but he knew all of the major players, so they put the ass*ssination on him then silenced him. Anyone who seriously studies the Warren Report knows it all falls apart very quickly. It’s a terribly fabricated lie to coverup the truth. – Adrian Harris
  • The great patriot and personal friend of President Donald J. Trump is saying this, do you know what this means? The end of the CIA (the Farm) is near, JFK’s promise to splinter it into a thousand pieces will be be kept by President Trump
  • How about a more recent assassination attempt. Donald Trump. Government was behind the attempt on his life. JFK died over 60 years ago. How about the “attempts” on the life of President Donald Trump recently? Where is the accountability there? FBI, CIA, Biden Administration, Obama, Soros. Time for heads to roll.
  • My brother and I were just talking about the CIA and JFK yesterday. JFK said he wanted to splinter the CIA into 1000 pieces. Maybe this administration will make his dream come true. – Molly Pitcher

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