- He should stay. He’ll vote Democrat no matter where he is. Dont forget, he said he’d rather see the US fall into an economic depression instead of have Trump in office. He’ll help ruin where ever he goes.
- Voting for a Rebublican Governor will solve nothing for California, if they still vot for Democrat representatives and senators at the state level. – – Note: Democrats would lose if we stopped voter fraud – even in Cali. Cali is now a Marxist conquered state – voter fraud is in control. – Mal Antoni
- No one cares about Bill Maher OR the ‘View’ . They need to not be talked about at all. Never. They’re jokes and they need to go away. Quit wasting air time on them.
- They move to less regulated places and then they help change them back to what they purposelybailed from
- Imo, he’s not allowed to leave the sh!t storm he helped create. He backed Gavin for president as well. He needs to fully learn his lesson and “pay his fair share”
- Always remember, no matter how much they complain about democrats, they’ll still vote for them in the future.
- I don’t know what the fascination is with this guy. Maher will never leave the party and will say anything to stay relevant. He’s saying this now, but where was all this criticism before? California didn’t get this way overnight.
- These states require all these inspections so they make sure they have a reason to up your taxes.
- Let’s not forget it’s people like Maher that for years cheered on the wacky left and now they are disappointed with the outcome.
- I remember when i was a child and California had Republican governors it was safer, cleaner, no homeless and i learned stuff in school.
- Who cares what this has been has to say? He can’t control the monster he helped create. Where have I seen that story before?
- I cant take him seriously when he still endorses people like Newsom and even AOC. If he is really fed up with this crap, he needs to start backing the side that will fix what he is upset about, but he wont. Im tired of them complaining all the time and yet wont do what is really necessary and switch sides. The other problem is these democrats that leave these blue states will still mostly vote blue even though it is the democrat policies is why they are leaving. – Freedom Range
DEI has so completely undermined safety standards that pilots are sometimes afraid to leave the cockpit for fear of what their co-pilots will do unattended.– Tucker interview just out…. Whatfinger
Disney’s Latest Woke DISASTER – a Sign of Cultural Shift or Will They Double Down?
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