“How can I be racist to you? I’m black – I can’t be racist” CRT has a lot to answer for.
“Black Women cannot be racist to White Women – do you not understand?”
“How can I be racist to you? I’m black – I can’t be racist”
CRT has a lot to answer for. pic.twitter.com/UgvBKF0lfN
— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) March 22, 2025
- That’s a disturbing mindset, rooted in flawed CRT ideology, which ignores the fact that racism can come from anyone, regardless of skin color. This kind of thinking only serves to divide us further and undermine genuine efforts to address racism in all its forms, it’s time to reject such divisive ideologies. We should be promoting equality, respect, and understanding among all individuals, rather than perpetuating harmful notions that only certain groups can be racist.
- At that point, I’d end the interview and kick that moron off the show. If you ask a question a dozen times and still don’t get an answer, why even bother continuing?
- This is exactly the kind of divisive nonsense that Critical Race Theory (CRT) promotes. The idea that Black women can’t be racist just because of their skin color is absurd and dangerous. Racism isn’t about what race you are, it’s about treating people unfairly based on their race, period. CRT is only fueling division by teaching people to view everything through a lens of race, instead of focusing on unity. How much longer will we allow these false narratives to divide us? – Truth Hurts
- Black people are the most racist people on the planet; they’re racist to every race, they’re especially racist and violent to Latinos, Asians. They’re even racist to other black people who have different shades of brown and lighter skin than they do. She’s delusional. – Gail
- Black women can’t be racist to white women, that statement is complete and utter ignorance. Anybody can be racist against any other race. They’re just trying to make excuses for their racism.
- Meaning of racism. “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group”
- WOW. Some of the most racist diatribe, I’ve heard, have come from people who are not white! It looks like these black people honestly believe that the word racist or racism only applies from white, or even any other ethnic group, towards blacks!?!? – Darny
- So you can’t be racist if you are not European White. That is so dumb. She should go to South Africa where they are ruling with reverse racism (such as a White person will probably have a hard time getting approval to have a McDonalds franchise).
- It’s the continuation of the liberal left neomarxism. Pro BLM/BAME. Where if your are non-white you are somehow lifted upon a pedestal and you can be racist to anyone, specifically white people. All forms of racism are bad. I’m white and I’m proud of my European heritage. In the same way I expect others to be proud of theirs. However, when ideologies promote hatred this has to be stamped out.
- Black women are some of the most racist people on the planet. They absolutely can be racist towards white women. So can black men. Which is what that liberal mouthpiece is
- The worst part is this insane belief is promulgated at the college level. I don’t understand how any institution of higher learning can countenance having any academic discipline that amounts to pseudoscience stating nonsensical opinions that are actually illegal in some contexts
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