- A black celebrity who is making millions is telling millions of people who have to work full time for thousands (5 figures), that we have more privilege than he does.
- Dude said he didn’t like America. What does he expect to happen. Hope none of them get any major roles again. They all talk smack. Then when they fail they blame everyone but them selves
- What Marvel and many other companies fail to realize is that the people they’ve been desperately trying to pander towards were never the ones who were buying movie tickets and merchandise. These companies will continue to collapse because they cared more about a group that are not the reason for their past success. Had they stuck to making their actual audience happy I can guarantee they’d be in a far better position. – Rinna
- I live paycheck to paycheck, yet somehow I’m more privileged than a Hollywood movie star worth $8 million simply because I’m white
- Don’t forget, this is the movie that was playing when a theater’s roof collapsed and no one was hurt because no one was there. Seriously, the image of firefighters digging through the rubble while the film was still playing and not notching was hilarious. – Bethany
- Jeremy, it just finally occurred to him. He’s a quota hire. Now they call it DEI. He knows he didn’t earn it, he was hired for his skin color. He is correct that in his world all he needed to have is what about 14% of the population has, his skin color. The box office is the real world, smacking him in the face, and he doesn’t like it. They handed him a winning lottery ticket, and he tore it up with his own comments. Like Rachel Ziegler, he is just another one that doesn’t have the sense to not screw it up.
- Just a few years ago, Disney was the bar that other companies and movies strove to reach, Disney couldn’t make a flop or fail in anyway… then they went woke
- Hollywood used to know that trends change and entire genres of film go in and out of style. How did they suddenly forget that and fool themselves into thinking a microgenre like ‘Marvel superhero films’ was gonna last forever?
- I can somewhat go with ‘success is from luck’. You listen to any successful person and there was always some bit of luck or person who gave them their big break… Now did they work hard after that? Most of the time. But there are millions of people who work their asses off everyday and are still poor.
- Let him cry. You know what kind of Marvel movie I’d like to see? I’d like to see Sam be a Marvel version of Homelander, because he let the power of the Captain America mantle go to his head. Then, Bucky would fight him, take back the Shield and Mantle, become the Captain America he was always meant to be, and restore the original meaning and purpose of what it means to be Captain America. – Crown Of Roses
Canada is lost folks – know this – and you get why they are a total dictatorship now – Fast clip
IMPORTANT: Never Fly Again! This Is INSANE! Your life is in danger – Folks pay attention… This is extremely serious – going on and getting exposed now. DO NOT FLY until this is publicly corrected 

A New President: TOP 10 MEMES – Watch MAGA
Street Fight: TOP 10 MEMES – Watch MAGA
- Be prepared for anything, including lockdowns with your own Emergency Med kit – see Wellness Emergency Kit (includes Ivermectin and other essential drugs, guide book, much more… peace of mind for you and your family)
– Dr. McCullough’s company! – Sponsor
- Dr. Zelenko is the man who advised Trump on Hydroxy ..Here’s his recipe to keep immunity strong – Zelenko Z Stack