- Remember how the FBI said crime was actually down in the US, until we figured out they were omitting info? Yeah, this is the same thing
- Democrats are literally acting like grocery prices changed the the day after Trump was sworn in and that it’s his fault
- To be fair Politico was being paid to lie too.
- Imagine your child coming home with a bunch of his friends. They all disappear into his room for hours. You hear all kinds of odd noises coming out of the room, but the door has been locked, and every time you knock to complain you get an excuse like ‘Oh I’m stuck right now, I’ll open it later’. After 4 hours, you finally have had enough. You take the hinges off the door. Inside, you find the room is a mess. The bed has been set on fire, and there’s water all over the ground. Someone has written ‘BLM’ on the wall in human feces. You start in on them, completely disgusted. Your child responds, ‘What are you, racist?’ You start in on the bed, they respond “You can still sleep on most of it.” When you get into how much this is going to cost you, they respond, “You’re rich, you can afford to give more” When you tell your kids friends to go home, they walk to the back of the house and pretend to be different people. The next day, the friends are back, room is still a mess, and when your kid sees you he says, “I thought you were going to clean this mess up. What happened? You lied to me.”
- “Ignore the evidence of your eyes and ears. This was the Party’s last and most essential command.” – George Orwell: Nineteen Eighty Four –
- I am enjoying how they were blaming grocery stores for gouging all while the government was cooking the numbers.
- 24% unemployment is not recession territory, it is depression territory. A little more and it becomes kinetic civil war territory.
- And 24% is the number we do know via unemployment office. Imagine the real number of it all unemployed were counted!
- They always admit to it once it’s too late to do anything, and their voters just keep voting for them.
- I don’t understand how you get “tricked” when you see the prices for yourself. Unless you just choose to believe something because you want to.
- Adjusting for inflation, I make 46% less money than when I started this job 7 years ago. Not including increasing taxes due to bracket creep.
- People who actually thought our economy were doing well are the same kind of person who can go a month or two without getting a paycheck and not even realize
- It is easy to trick people who want to be tricked. When their leaders said “Never mind the man behind the curtain” They said ok.
- Just a friendly reminder that the last time we had unemployment this high was during the Great Depression, the unemployment rate was 25% back then. We’re in big trouble if something doesn’t change soon.
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