Donald Trump Releases a Video Statement on the Anniversary of 9/11: “We remember the 2977 precious souls who were savagely taken from us on that morning 22 years ago, leaving a void that can never be filled can never be filled – no matter what happens it can never be filled. We will say a prayer for each of the beautiful families they left behind whose pain is beyond comprehension,” See clip below
Donald Trump Releases a Video Statement on the Anniversary of 9/11:
“We remember the 2977 precious souls who were savagely taken from us on that morning 22 years ago, leaving a void that can never be filled can never be filled – no matter what happens it can never be filled. We…
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 11, 2023
Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch shows the FOIA obtained vid from attack on Pentagon on Sept. 11. What do you see? – Not what you thought huh!
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