More below this top clip on what is behind all of this Trans BS….
JAILHOUSE FOOTAGE: Male Inmates in Womens' Prison Claiming to be Transgender.
"Rapists, Murderers, Child Rapists, and Men Who Have Killed Women in Our Rooms"#MillionDollarBaby
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) April 14, 2023
- VIDEO, Inmate #1: “So, we have men rapists, men murderers, child rapists, men who have killed women and are in prison for raping and killing women who get put in our rooms.”@OKeefeMedia obtained footage of women pleading through the glass for help at the Washington Prison… – James O’Keefe
- This is unconscionable, despicable and out right evil! I pray that this will be exposed until this matter is resolved! Everyone of the employees involved in this horrific situation fired ASAP! – Jeanette
- I can’t say what I think should be done at this point w/ this evil that’s obvious & rampant in this once great country bec I’d be thrown off here at minimum. I’m seething right now at the abuse of women throughout this country by men in the name of the Cult of Transgenderism.
Jennifer Bilek | Who is Behind the TRANS AGENDA?