Corrupt Woke Pentagon Doctors thinks 7-year-olds can castrate themselves…. What? – Whatfinger News' Choice Clips
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Corrupt Woke Pentagon Doctors thinks 7-year-olds can castrate themselves…. What?

Healthcare providers at US military bases, including those treating military-connected minors, have criticized the idea of delaying the administration of puberty blockers and hormones to children diagnosed with gender dysphoria. In the March edition of the American Journal of Public Health, the providers argued that children presenting with gender dysphoria symptoms should immediately receive “gender-affirming healthcare” such as puberty suppression and affirming hormones, based on “human rights” and the belief that youths have an inherent ability and right to consent to such therapy. The authors of the article – David A. Klein, Thomas Baxter, Noelle S. Larson, and clinical psychologist Natasha A. Schvey – also called for all military providers to be trained on gender medical interventions for minors, despite acknowledging that over half of military-affiliated physicians in the Department of Defense health system would refuse to prescribe hormones. However, Dr. Stanley Goldfarb of Do No Harm, a group of physicians working to restore the medical profession to the Hippocratic Oath, disputed the claims made by the DoD doctors and said the notion that seven-year-old children are capable of making such decisions is “laughable.” Goldfarb argued that there is little evidence that puberty blockers and sex-characteristic altering hormones do not hurt more children than they help.

Major points:

  • US military healthcare providers treating military-connected minors have criticized the idea of delaying puberty blockers and hormones for children diagnosed with gender dysphoria.
  • Providers argued that children with gender dysphoria symptoms should immediately receive “gender-affirming healthcare” based on human rights and youths’ inherent ability and right to consent to therapy.
  • The authors of the article called for all military providers to be trained on gender medical interventions for minors, despite over half of military-affiliated physicians in the Department of Defense health system indicating they would refuse to prescribe hormones.
  • Dr. Stanley Goldfarb of Do No Harm disputed the claims made by the DoD doctors, stating that the notion that children as young as seven are capable of making such decisions is laughable and that there is little evidence to suggest that puberty blockers and sex-characteristic altering hormones do not hurt more children than they help.
  • Goldfarb argued that the evidence in favor of “gender-affirming care” is of low quality and that only highly selected children should be considered for such treatment.

Woke Leftist morons at DOD actually said this – – –  Never forget how bad the infestation of Marxism and stupidity that now exists all over America – and they are 100% Democrats by design.

Pentagon doctors claim 7-year-olds can make decisions to be injected with hormones, puberty suppressants – Fox News Article

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