Historian Says CIVIL WAR Is Coming And Trumpists Will WIN, New Hampshire Reps File To Secede From US - Whatfinger News' Choice Clips
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Historian Says CIVIL WAR Is Coming And Trumpists Will WIN, New Hampshire Reps File To Secede From US

Historian Says CIVIL WAR Is Coming And Trumpists Will WIN, New Hampshire Reps File To Secede From US. With Democrats increasingly pushing authoritarian policies and rule by decree and with the narrative from MSM consistently that the republicans are the ones pushing authoritarianism it seems a civil war is coming. Antifa, BLM rioting, Mark Milley scandal, vaccine mandates, the list is getting serious as more and more people start to advocate for an end Even Sarah Silverman has endorsed U.S. balkanization.


  • Dude… first of all, the Trump supporters (what ever that means) or should I say Conservative Constitutional Supporters will win because we value the founding documents, therefore the left which wants to destroy this country should be rounded up and stripped of their citizenship, which they don’t value to begin with, and ship them to a country that holds their belief system. It’s no longer Democrats and Republicans… it’s Republicans and socialist/communists – JFK would be shunned by what masquerades as democrats today. Those that defend the founding documents own the country, not those that wish to destroy this nation.

      • They don’t care about communism. They just want power. Power to control everyone like puppets on a string.

        Here, they can be the puppet masters. In China, they would only be more puppets.

    • Actually they should be stripped of citizenship and all property (including money) and set adrift in tiny, leaky wooden boats in the middle of the arctic ocean. I would allow them just one bullet for a small caliber pistol which they will most certainly use upon themselves as they starve and thirst to death.

    • And when the **** hits the fan and communist Chinese begin pouring into the USA to support Democrat communists, what then?

    • It has NOTHING to do with Republicans vs Democrats! It’s Constitutionalists vs Communists. Most republicans in office are RINO’s. Many old-school democrats have turned to the constitution….

  • The word is “decentralization.” The United States is way too big. There’s nothing magic about the number 50. The Founders settled on about 30,000 to 1 as being the optimum number for effective representation. We now stand at over 750,000:1. This means we effectively have absolutely no representation. The House of Representatives would now have to contain over 10,000 members to bring the ratio back down to where it needs to be. Multiple independent regions based along cultural/geographical lines, agreeing to confederate against any attack—and all operating without any kind of behemoth and bloated central authority—would be more of what the Founders gave us; and, would also be a greater deterrent to ALL enemies as compared to our ever-growing wokest status that now exists.

  • The conservatives and their guns outnumber the left-wing crybabies by a large margin and the left knows it, that is why they will try to do away with the 2nd Amendment and try to take you guns. The feckless clown and pile of human dung Barack Hussein Obumbler once said of conservatives, “They cling to their religion and guns”. He and the rest of the left wing morons better remember that, especially the “guns” part.

    • I once told a guy that just 10% of just the deer hunters would be larger than any army on earth. He didn’t believe me so he looked it up. I was wrong, it was larger than the armies of the US, russia, China, and India and two others combined. Think on that, trained snipers, trained in bushcraft and tracking down their prey. I don’t think any army would like to face that. Thats why we have a second amendment, the founders knew the people will only take so much tyranny.

      • Folks used to make fun of preppers and hunters and people with gardens and such. Now they are looking like geniuses.

      • Biden can try to EO a ban but its will not work. If the worse case situation happen and they try to take our weapons by force, its will end very badly for them. All the police forces in America have about 800,000 men and about a million weapons. All our military have is about just under 2 million men with 1.6 million weapons.
        Now take into account there are about 35 to 45 millions men that are hunters and about 25 to 35 millions military / lawman veterans. Not counting the current police, military and all other American citizens who will decided to stand up for their rights. Say around 50 millions with American citizens having about 397 millions weapons. Total, rounding off is about 3 millions police and military with 2.6 millions weapons vs.100 millions citizens with 350 millions weapons.
        Remember this America. You and the States have more power than the federal government does. The Constitution is the law of the land period! Any law, rule, regulation pass by any counties, states or federal politicians even by POTUS or judges. If its go against what the Constitution’s said then it is “Null And Void Period”. Not legal in any way, shape or form. The rights of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. (In any way, shape or form).

    • And right after they go for 2A they will work on cutting off the food supply. You won’t need to watch video of old Soviet bread lines because you’ll be standing in one.

  • Why not?!?! With the current situation, in which the Democrats own both houses of Congress and the White House, they will try to spend the country into poverty before the mid-terms. As it is, the bulk of the tax burden is being paid by the red state and red county working population while the blue states and cities are the beneficiaries of our money being distributed to them. It’s about time that WE, the patriot party separate from the socialist side and form a new union. Watch them squirm with having to pay all of their own bills!!! We could still keep the current infrastructure while the blues spend themselves into poverty instead of us.

    • They STOLE both houses of Congress and the White House. Proof? The razor thin margins of Pelosi can lose 4 people and still win a vote and Schumer needs the VP to break ties as it’s 50-50 there.

  • I like Tim but he lost me early here by saying that alt-far-left-communist-democrat The Atlantic (owned by Steve Jobs’ ***-dumpster widow by the way) is a “mainstream media publication”. As if!

  • The Euro Royal Pedophile Houses and The Central Banking Families are The Enemy , unless they are all slaughtered , the War will never end , because we are not fighting the Enemy , only Their Minions …..

    • You’re right. The biggest threat to world peace and prosperity is the group known as the International Zionists. Yup, I mean primarily, but surely not exclusively, the Rothschild international Banking families.

  • A Civil War may very well ensue in the U.S. and who am I to say it’s not long, long, overdue? But, let us never forget that Mr. Trump, (while surely somewhat more palatable, even if he’s at times blustery, bombastic and oftentimes contradictory, than Sleepy, Creepy, Joe) is also a Globalist and a Zionist puppet and therefore a liar that cannot be trusted any more than Sleepy Creepy Joe. Also, keep in mind that Mr. Trump was a supporter of the Kill-Shot VAXX. i.e. a Depopulation supporter if ever there was one. Anyone who seriously places his/her trust or faith in Mr. Trump shall SURELY be HUGELY DISAPPOINTED and most likely sent to a FEMA camp for retraining or more likely Permanent Disposal! There is no PANDEMIC! There IS a WORLD-WIDE HOAX and a long preplanned depopulation scheme being played out on a scale never before seen in human history!
    Putting ones faith in anyone other than in Jesus Christ is a HUGE mistake.

  • I hate the thought of another civil war! Even more I hate the thought of continuing under the growing tyrrany. America. Thomas Jefferson said many memorable things: “The tree of Liberty thrives best when nourished from time to time by the blood of patriots and tyrants.” He also said: “When the government becomes a tyrrany; then rebellion becomes a duty.” He also called George III a tyrant!

  • I find it interesting that all those who speak out against the system is immediately labeled a Trumpists. Even if Trump was never president our views would be the same. We speak out for freedom and against socialism that historically always fails. We speak out against an over reaching government that has no business getting involved in our health choices. This is not Trumpists against Democrats. It is the right of freedom against slavery. All true Americans need to discard their political differences and unite. This chaos will continue until we all wake up and stop complying with the Globalist demands. If we were to unite and refuse to comply, their game would be over; and perhaps, life could be normal once again. Want the truth? Trust no one, do your own research and you will discover that the VAX is killing people. Read their stories on “Vaccine Impact” then see if you still believe your health is important to anyone but yourself. Uniting is our only chance, without it “Covid” will never end. Do you realize the vaccine is still a trial? Visit ClinicalTrials.gov and see the truth. There are hundreds of trials under the umbrella of “Covid” and only a fraction completed. Go there, and be awakened. Don’t let their fear tactics rule you (There’s even a clinical trial on what fear messages to use to get people to comply, I kid you not. And, sadly they have used them all and they work.) Pray for unity, disclosure of evil and for the sovereignty of the United States. Stand Firm, Be Brave, Unite and Shout “We’ve had enough, We are Done! “. America was built on “In God We Trust”, we must maintain this conviction and pray for our country.

  • Calm down Tim.It will never happen. The Atlantic is a left wing biased mag and Sarah Silverman is a left wing activist.You are assuming each separate country can be self sustaining Not possible.

  • Who cares what Sarah Silverman thinks. She can leave if she doesn’t like freedom. We aren’t giving anything up. We’ll crush them then lock them up just like they want to do to us

  • Great segment, Tim. The main reason you don’t hear much about state’s rights/secession from state politicians is they all have Washington in their sights. You can’t diss federal power or the government if you want to run for national office—without it being used against you.

  • The war will not be civil. It will be a blood bath of epic proportions. The idiots who supported Lincoln’s war had no idea what they were unleasing. If war comes it will be to the hilt. No Lefturds must be spared.

  • The Left is the side that rejects facts and clings to fantasy. Their one and only truth is the acquisition of power. Anything to that end is justified. The Left wants to conquer and control. The Right just wants to get away from the Left. There is no peaceful resolution to this conflict. The inflection point comes when Dems try to confiscate firearms. That’s the Rubicon moment.

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Kindness …

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Pro-Palestinian demonstrators make their way to the Met Gala in New York City

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Cool art

Love this!

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Police at UC San Diego today arrested 60+ pro-Palestine extremists who refused to disperse from their illegal encampment. Some even tried to block the police bus. These violent antisemites need to spend serious time in jail for their hate crimes.

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