A white person’s worst nightmare… you call 911 and a ghetto black bitch answers… pic.twitter.com/do74LQz435
— Hodgetwins (@hodgetwins) March 25, 2025
- Guess we just have to identify as black at the start of the call to avoid problems
- You guys got it. So, of course nothing serious will happen to her.
- How to win Call trying to sound black When the white policeman comes and asks why you sound different just say Who do you think stole my phone? LOL
- I’ve literally had this happen to me before I wonder how many of these happen that don’t even get reported.
- As a white dude, I will tell you “ain’t nobody got time for this chick’s bullshit.” What the hell is wrong with this woman?
- You should see what happens when a white girlfriend in the UK calls 999 and a “refugee” answers.
- Racial profiling at its worst, and she needs to be charged and prosecuted and sticker in prison where she belongs
- Can you imagine you need an Ambulance for one of your loved ones and she was the one who picked up??? Wow. I am glad she got caught.
- Look at her, the look on her face says she’d rather see everyone and anyone die any way possible than help them. She’s a DEI hire, prove me wrong.
- Look at her face.. she’s not even sorry for what she’s done. you can see it in her face.. give this woman like 20 years.. she could have killed somebody .and how do we know she hasn’t in the past…
- That beast needs to go to prison. Then she can cry when the guards don’t answer her cries for help when Big Bertha comes after her (altho Creshanda is a big back herself).
- How many people died or were hurt or lost loved ones due to this racist low life scum? Mal Antoni, Whatfinger Editor
DEI has so completely undermined safety standards that pilots are sometimes afraid to leave the cockpit for fear of what their co-pilots will do unattended.– Tucker interview just out…. Whatfinger
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