Mike Benz DIVES DEEP into how the Pentagon Created Lyme Disease 60 Years Ago in the SAME Lab as COVID:
“The military was funding the tick viruses in the same lab as COVID… It’s the same playbook.” pic.twitter.com/isFfDiec3H
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) March 20, 2025
- This connects bioweapons research, government cover-ups, and public health crises. The U.S. has a long history of secret bio-experiments, Lyme, COVID, who knows what else? Time for full transparency. What else are they hiding? – Noah
- Great segment Benny. The takeaway I got from this is that’s how they create viruses they use the same method as they did when they created the atom bomb. One research group does this part another research group does that part and so on and so forth. And then the overseers take those parts and put it together and then boom, you got yourself a bio weapon that you can use on whoever the target may be. it’s just amazing how corrupted the United States government system is. I would go as far as to say depending on how far Trump goes in restoring power back to the people. I think whoever’s left in the Establishment Government Deep State Bureaucrats. Or the globalist elites for that matter. Will end up releasing some kind of bio weapon that will circumvent everything that Trump has done. Hell for all we know they probably already have something ready to go and they’re just waiting for the right opportunity to unleash it. I just don’t know what their play is. Maybe that’s too dangerous and that would end up affecting them so they would rather use the hot civil war approach that is more surgical. And they’ll just wait till the dust settles and then they’ll come in and just take over whoever is the winning faction. I know, people are going to look at this what I said is conspiracy and Fantasy. All I’ll do is push back and say “oh really”. You really haven’t been paying attention, now have you. Anyway, my thoughts on this cheers. – Dionsol
- Mike Benz is shedding light on an alarming and often overlooked history: the Pentagon’s involvement in experimenting with tick-borne viruses, right alongside the research that led to COVID-19. It’s not just a coincidence; it’s the same playbook, using the same methods of weaponizing biological agents under the guise of research. If the military was funding these experiments decades ago, it raises some serious questions about the true nature of our government’s role in global health crises. Why are we just now uncovering these connections, and why aren’t more people talking about it? These are the types of revelations that need full public accountability. – Truth Hurts
- So my very good friend was made to suffer then murdered. She died during a seizure, choking on vomit, then incurred a heartattack during the seizure. All due to her 3 years earlier diagnosis of Lyme Disease. Accountability for her husband and children? – Kim C
- Another conspiracy theory proves to be true. Lyme Disease is man made. Now dig a little deeper into the DOD studies on using ticks as the delivery device and it “escaped” from the lab at Plum Island. – Russ Walker
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