- My brother used always be in the Sun. He was working on ship and tugboats for 30 years until he got hurt After that he moved to sunny hot Florida this guy said that he never used Sun creams or sun blocks he never really got sick always was working even on his 2 weeks off the boat’s over the years Vitamin D from the sun is so precious and yet most people are told that the sun is a bad thing. Happy Keto everyone Strong – Mary C
- I remember that feeling of getting my first Good lab work done from listening to Dr.berg videos about fasting My doctor couldn’t hardly believe it right away he walked out of the room to get 2 others doctors and 1 of the nurses . I started just about crying because After so many years of bad blood work especially the LDL numbers and a1c, vitamin B12, low vitamin D3 .Everyone made me feel like a Sweet nice little angel that was 4 years ago and I started seeing nothing but good Lab results back 2 back 4 years Strong Dr.berg and Dr.Sten.Ekberg just think about local doctors telling me Never listen to any YouTube doctors/ physical therapy. – Cook Chef
- I am 25 years old and unfortunately, I spent a majority of my life (childhood and teenage years) eating ultra-processed food. Neither I nor my parents knew just how bad it truly was. I suffered from ADHD symptoms for most of my life until age 22. When I turned 22, I decided to learn more about food and now I go out of my way to avoid processed food at ALL COSTS and start exercising regularly. It’s been the greatest decision I have ever made in my adult life so far. I learned a lot about which processed foods to avoid from this very channel, so THANK YOU Dr. Berg, you are a hero to me! – Crested S
- “Consumer Reports is calling on the U.S. Department of Agriculture to remove Lunchables and similar lunch kits from the National School Lunch Program” Why? Because they’re full of lead. It is now safer to eat your old houses paint chips than it is to eat Lunchables. Lunchables were always gross anyway. – Shipwreck
NEW: Kevin O’Leary delivers a harsh reality check to Tesla car burners: You’re going to “rot in hell in prison.”
Slash & Smash: TOP 10 MEMES – Watch MAGA
- Be prepared for anything, including lockdowns with your own Emergency Med kit – see Wellness Emergency Kit (includes Ivermectin and other essential drugs, guide book, much more… peace of mind for you and your family)
– Dr. McCullough’s company! – Sponsor
- Dr. Zelenko is the man who advised Trump on Hydroxy ..Here’s his recipe to keep immunity strong – Zelenko Z Stack
- New Junkie Paradise – Whatfinger News – More news daily than any other news site on Earth – CLICK HERE