- How do you think they’d react if someone burned down a sex change facility or a drug company making hormone treatments?
- I was in university in California when leftist attacked college students on campus at UCD and UCB. That was my undergrad experience. Even girls were being hit with metal poles and such. Anyone wearing a red hat was attacked, hot liquid thrown on them, bags of poop, fireworks, etc. They set fire to the MLK building on campus… It was national news. Yet no one was jailed over it. It kind of desensitized me to be honest.
- I came from Soviet communism, grew up in it until my teens. It gives me a sick pit in my stomach to hear an audience cheer about violence to Tesla dealerships as if they’re cheering somebody won a brand new car. The outcome of this past election was very clear, the majority of people in this country reject the leadership and direction democrats and the left were dragging us toward. If Trump cannot direct leadership in a new direction, according to the clear will of the people, then it’s true, it really doesn’t matter how we vote and the Republic is over and tyranny is here. – Konagirl
- Freedom of speech and the right to protest does not cover acts of terrorism. Destroying private property and businesses, using violence to intimidate others with different political beliefs is not covered under the first amendment, because terrorism is not protected by the Constitution.
- Freedom of speech and the right to protest does not cover acts of terrorism. Destroying private property and businesses, using violence to intimidate others with different political beliefs is not covered under the first amendment, because terrorism is not protected by the Constitution.
- The first amendment doesn’t give you the right to go onto private property and protest. It gives you the right to go onto government and public property to protest. It is not a first amendment violation to shut these ‘protests’ down.
- Didn’t these media people freak out when Trump said Fight, Fight, Fight? How times have changed…
- I understand the whole first amendment freedom of speech thing but if I recall yelling fire in a crowded theater isn’t first amendment speech it isn’t protected. So it’s kind of the same thing
- The sticker on Teslas is exactly the same as the BLM signs that popped up all through the areas just outside of downtown. I spoke with one business owner and she told me the activists came in and promised as long as she kept the BLM sign up they wouldn’t be destroyed and looted. The silent part was the threat, that should she not put up the sign her business will be destroyed.
- Im sick of our government saying “we will look into this” when are these ppl gunna be arrested. They literally tell you online when and where they are gunna start riots. Like cmon. They will keep doing this crap until they are properly punished.
- I have to point out something. Terrorism isn’t terrorism just because it is for political reasons. It is actions intended to scare people into making particular political choices. The scaring or fear is the reason it is called terrorism. Using terror to manipulate the choices of others.
Justice Roberts – How Obama and the CIA got him to do as they please – ever since Obamacare. It’s what you thought…
NEW: Kevin O’Leary delivers a harsh reality check to Tesla car burners: You’re going to “rot in hell in prison.”
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