Gotta say, Im really surprised to hear Lindsey say this………
“USAID is an agency that let us all down…. What I have seen makes me sick to my stomach…. The reason USAID is going to cease to exist as it did before, is because it SHOULD.”
— Spitfire (@DogRightGirl) February 11, 2025
I wonder how much he got out of it all. The man is as Deep State as you can get.
- I’m sure he benefited from USAID. He is savvy, and sees the tides turning so he’s jumping ship.
- Says the man who could give a shit about the taxpayers.
- He’ll flip flop and say something else tomorrow.. Look at John Thunes face when Lindsey says all this, he wasn’t happy.. Lindsey Graham is a career politician RINO and goes the way the wind blows.
- Like all of DC, President Trump has used Harry Bolz to force RINOs to either expose themselves as complicit or join the chorus that is calling for an end to grift.
- He’s only saying it because he’s a chameleon. He’s one of the most slippery corrupt politicians in the swamp!
- I’m untrusting with him because when he says “…USAID is going to cease to exist as it did before…” I just hear “We’re gonna tweak it a tiny bit so you’ll shut up and then we’ll continue as we are…”
- They are figuring out that we aren’t backing down and the democrats aren’t going to recover in time to wait this out. Trump has huge support for cleaning house. Time to support the uncomfortable changes. That or the Epstein list is coming in 10 days . I wondered who would shift on that announcement
- He’s getting onboard hoping they won’t investigate him
- He knew what was going on. He is just willing to throw her under the bus. There is a reason she is trying to contact him. – Mostly Harmless
- He likely benefitted from USAID or at least supported some of its expenditures. But at least he is savvy enough to see the fraud and abuse is far greater than anything he could ever explain away. This is a marks the death knell for all corruption in federal budgets. They allowed it year after year not ever wanting to know just how bad it was growing. Now it is being exposed in its full vile, foul extent and no Republican is going to stand up for it. A seminal moment when even Sen. Graham denounces the fraud. – Free to Speak
- I reserve my reaction unti I see a list of all congressmen and senators that were receiving payments or other kickbacks from USAID.
- He knows if he’s against what’s happening, it draws attention. So his friends on the other side of the aisle get to crash and burn with no Rino support. It’s beautiful.
- And we’re supposed to believe he didn’t know?! He’s been getting his part of the pie for years. Really wish Trump would keep clear of him. He makes us sick to our stomach! – Captain Obvious
- Well ill give him credit, he probably made 100m off them and he doesnt need any more , the others are greedy and want more and more , or they may indebted to higher authorities
Everyone is missing the point… Liberal Hivemind
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