It appears that between 30-40 J6 line prosecutors were fired today. I can only guess how much pleasure their victims take at this astounding news. Kudos to acting deputy AG Emil Bove and acting DC US attorney Ed Martin for taking such swift and necessary action. For three years, I watched these prosecutors in disgust. When I left J6 court proceedings, I would pray that their comeuppance would come but had little hope it would. It is not so much how they abused the law and worked hand in glove with likeminded DC judges to violate the rights of J6 defendants.
What sickened me was seeing how gratified they were in inflicting pain on people who had no recourse, no ability to fight the legal and judicial circle of hell created by the DOJ and federal courts in Washington. I often referred to them as sadists. There is something deeply wrong with them–maybe being unemployed and under investigation will allow them time to conduct some much needed soul searching. But for now–this is an historic day worthy of much celebration.
See her article at Declassified: New DC US Attorney Opens Inquiry Into Unlawful Use of Common J6 Felony Ed Martin, the acting DC US Attorney, is demanding records related to charging decisions made by his predecessor to unlawfully apply a document-tampering statute against 350+ J6ers.
- God’s hand is all over this. We have suffered for 4 years, and God allowed it so He could show the world how deadly and oppressive to our citizens the #deepstate committee is. Their purpose is to stay in power long enough to give the globalists control over America. We are the last jewel. We are the prize.
- You have been the voice for those J6’ers and I heard your interview with Bongino and read all your posts. I could feel your pain and outrage. Thank you for covering all of this. I’m sure you will have some ptsd after all is said and done
- May they have sleepless nights from now on. May they have extreme anxiety that debilitates them. I hope they can’t eat. I hope they have zero moral support. I hope they’re bankrupted with legal fees. May they be disbarred and end up in prison when this is all said and done.
- Sadistic. That’s a good word choice. They were cold hearted like a sociopath. I didn’t suffer through these hearings as you did, Julie, but I was often so furious I got white hot tears and needed a break just from reading the painful injustices. They caused suicides! Soul searching. That’s their duty now. I’ll try not to be as cold as them.
- Julie – Do you believe ALL J6 defendants should have been released? Even those who perpetrated violence against law enforcement personnel? Asking in all sincerity. For the higher ground should not be ceded nor erased with a wave of the hand, no matter how powerful that hand may be. You have done incredible work to expose the lawlessness against those who were innocent. But I fear we give up the moral plateau when we are too easy dismiss our own wrongs attempting to right true wrongs committed.
- Good! What these prosecutors did to J6ers was criminal. If only there were cameras in the courts. Huge win!
- The judges on these cases should have been gatekeepers to stop this unlawfulness, but they did not; they became accomplice. Is there anything that can be done against the judges?
- Julie, if not for your incredible and relentless reporting, none of these victories for the J6 injustices would be happening. Do take your right arm, crank it over your left shoulder and pat your back. This is another unbelievable win!
- The only thing that would make me like this post more, is if the J6 defendants would get together with a class action lawsuit and sue these prosecutors for deprivation of rights, in civil court outside of DC. I would hope the penalty would make @RealAlexJones jury blush.
- Julie Kelly,your unrelenting coverage of what was happening to ordinary people kept all of us involved in the mistreatment. Without YOU, we would have never known! Thank you for your dogged pursuit of truth. I think, in a way, you helped Trump win and change the course.
- Bravo! How about those judges? I am still puzzled, how could any J6er being sent to jail if all the evidence collected by J6 committee had been erased? Which means that all the prosecutors/judges had were partial and incomplete evidence.
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