Morning Joe Scarborough Pays Mika Penance by Crawling Back to Team Biden - Whatfinger News' Choice Clips
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Morning Joe Scarborough Pays Mika Penance by Crawling Back to Team Biden

It is important for Morning Joe Scarborough that his audience has a very very short memory. Even shorter than a week because despite Scarborough on June 28 throwing in the towel on Joe Biden by suggesting he consider stepping down from the Democrat nomination, exactly a week later the very same Scarborough was attacking MAGA for supposedly demanding that Joe Biden step away from the Democrat nomination while overlooking that it was he and the Democrats who were demanding just that. In fact, Scarborough’s plea for Biden to step down even caused a rift in his marriage to Morning Mika Brzezinski to the point that he took a “planned vacation” from the show. And now that he is back on the Morning Joe show he is hoping that his audience has Memory Holed what he said about Biden a week ago. That might be as tough to do as his audience not noticing that Mika was very conspicuous by her ABSENCE from the July 5 show.

Can we mark down this HUMILIATING 180 by Morning Joe as the penance he was forced to pay to Mika for dissing her on the air?

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