“Experts suggest your standard of living be reduced by 85%.” Yesterday it was the UN demanding $150 trillion for climate. But that’s just the start: The climate also needs you to reduce your “footprint” by 85%. Say goodbye to air conditioning, barbecues, camping and international travel. Unless, of course, you can afford the carbon credits. So it’s yachts and private planes for the elite. Bug-pods and Greyhound for the rest of us.
“Experts suggest your standard of living be reduced by 85%.”
Yesterday it was the UN demanding $150 trillion for climate. But that’s just the start: The climate also needs you to reduce your “footprint” by 85%.
Say goodbye to air conditioning, barbecues, camping and… pic.twitter.com/70mrkVIyYW
— Peter St Onge, Ph.D. (@profstonge) January 12, 2024
Companion to today’s video: What’s the “Climate Crisis” Endgame Read it here (it’s free!) profstonge.com/p/whats-the-cl “The good news is the green Marxist “Watermelons” are overplaying their cards: 150 trillion to buy our way to Botswana isn’t really a winning platform.” “Alas, the bad news is our left-wing media is brainwashed so deep, they’ll do everything they can to hide the trap until we’re deep inside.” Peter St Onge – click here
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