Brian Stelter’s new book “exposing” Fox News came out this morning, and didn’t even break into the Amazon top 100 bestsellers list all day. It sits at about 200 right now on the list, which means it’s irrelevant, but the New York Times will likely add it to their list this weekend because it’s a fake list of “favorites” and a recommended reading list, not an actual list of the best selling books throughout the week. Last week, when my book The War on Conservatives was released, it broke immediately through the top ten, and reached number 4 later that day (of all books!) Little Brian has been on a liberal media tour today, with even CNN inviting him back on to shill his waste of paper, but he still couldn’t even come close to beating one written by a guy in his kitchen on a laptop (with zero network support, and zero reviews in any media outlets anywhere promoting it.) What a loser! Order Mark’s Book – see it on Amazon
For the record, Brian Stelter’s book didn’t even break into the top 100 list on Amazon (while mine made it to #4 of all books, as you may have heard haha). But the fake New York Times will still likely include him on their “bestseller” list because it’s a favorites list of the editors, not an actual list of the bestsellers. Any honest media analyst would call out such deception, but Stelter rolls with it cuz he’s a fraud, just like their list. – Mark Dice
- The way you get around censorship on YouTube and saying what they censor accounts for on YouTube is quite remarkable. You actually say what they suspend accounts for without actually saying it by framing it in a way people can figure out what you are wanting to say. Genius. – Anthony
- From Mark’s book: Conservatives are under attack on numerous different fronts by a well-funded, highly organized Marxist movement. The war is being waged in the public schools and universities, in corporate America, the media, and in the streets. American symbols and holidays, Christianity and churches, and even the nuclear family itself is under siege. LGBTQ extremists are preying on children, while White people are being systematically demonized by Critical Race Theory—which is just antiwhiteism in disguise. And millions of illegal aliens have been allowed to invade our country. All while censorship on social media is being leveraged by cancel culture mobs to silence critics and those trying to fight back. Democrats are even inciting and endorsing violence against their opponents, using Antifa and Black Lives Matter foot soldiers, all while being cheered on by Hollywood celebrities.
And there are even traitors in our midst. Cowardly conservatives and RINOs who have sold out our principles for profit and power. Media analyst Mark Dice takes you to the front lines in The War on Conservatives. - Stelter’s book didn’t even break into the Amazon top 100 which means he would be lucky if he sold 1000 copies this week. Despite blanket coverage on every liberal media outlet. CNN even brought him back in studio to promote it! – Mark Dice
The reviews are in for Brian Stelter’s new failure of a book. 😂
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) November 16, 2023
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