Beware WEF and Bill Gates-funded Apeel – the dangerous new fruit and vegetable coating that can't be washed off
— illuminatibot (@iluminatibot) September 5, 2023
Bill Gates strikes again!
Beware “Apeel” labels on organic foods, the coating can’t be removed— Dorian K (@DorianK12950488) August 29, 2023
This apple I bought at Smith’s is a month old. They are 1000% putting this unwashable Bill Gates “apeel”poison on our fruits and vegetables without telling us. No, I’m not going to eat it. Anyone else getting really, really, tired of these people trying to sicken and kill us? Mindy Robinson
Be on the lookout – – Stores that carry Apeel
PSA: Make sure you're not buying fruit or veggies with the "Apeel" label on it… It doesn't wash off.
— Berkey Water Filters (@berkey_filters) September 3, 2023
Beware of WEF and Bill Gates-funded Apeel Organipeel food coating chemical on ORGANIC produce:
— esotericbot (@esotericbot) September 5, 2023
- With the coming lockdowns and fake news about to hit trying to convince you to ONLY get stuck with Big Pharma vaccines, knowing all of the lies exposed already – You can get Ivermectin and many needed drugs – get new doctors over the phone.
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- Get the Spike Control formula to help you clean your blood out of spike proteins from the vaccine