SICK! More below this top clip you might have missed from the Marxist school boards out to groom your children into deviancy and disease….
MUST WATCH VIDEO As 14 Year Old Girl HUMILIATES WOKE Liberal School Board.
— I Meme Therefore I Am
(@ImMeme0) August 22, 2023
Some more recent school board meetings taped. The Leftist scum are doing their wonders all over America and if a parent dares to read what these Marxists are forcing your children to read, they have the parents removed….
We have yet another instance of a parent being removed from a school board meeting because he read from a pornographic book available to children in the school library. This happened in Fort Worth, Texas… 1776 Project
It’s pretty insane that parents are being removed for being “obscene” at school board meetings after simply reading the books being given to their children
— Ashley St. Clair (@stclairashley) August 23, 2023
Meet Rick Busselle. He’s running for school board in Bowling Green City Schools, Ohio. He thinks “your God is an asshole” if you don’t want to give your kids the Covid vaccine. Would you want this person in charge of your kid’s education? Libs of Tik Tok
Parents who speak out against the Democrat Marxist disease sweeping the nation – Janet Roberson, a successful real estate agent in Benicia, California and mom of three, was just FIRED from her job @Compass for speaking out at a @BeniciaUSD school board meeting about that school district injecting radical gender ideology into curriculum. Leftwing activists quickly tracked down her employer to destroy her life and career. Compass promptly caved and fired her. She’s just gone public with her story for the first time. Let the cowards at Compass know that you don’t take kindly to moms getting fired for protecting their children. Charlie Kirk (see clip below)
Janet Roberson, a successful real estate agent in Benicia, California and mom of three, was just FIRED from her job @Compass for speaking out at a @BeniciaUSD school board meeting about that school district injecting radical gender ideology into curriculum. Leftwing activists…
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) August 16, 2023